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Stream: lean4

Topic: Mutually required notation

Zach Battleman (Jul 26 2023 at 20:59):

Is there a way to setup a syntax where two disjoint pieces are optional such as with ?, but if one occurs the other must occur as well? For example something like syntax ("foo " term)? "baz " term ("bar " term)? : term where if either the foo term or bar term appears, the other must appear or it would be considered invalid?

Also, as a quick aside I'm trying to log in an elaborator and nothing is appearing. For example, I updated Elab.Term.elabForIn to always include a log, but it is not printing anything when I eval a for loop. I suspect this has to do with files not getting rebuilt properly, but lake build and refresh file dependencies don't seem to work. Any ideas on this? Thanks!

Zach Battleman (Jul 26 2023 at 21:34):

Also, in an elaborator, why can I not provide names to optional arguments? For example, I can do
elab "for'" itr:ident " in " ..., but I cannot do elab "for'" (itr:ident ")? in" ...

Mario Carneiro (Jul 26 2023 at 21:43):

for your last question, you can do elab "for'" itr:(ident)? " in " ...

Zach Battleman (Jul 26 2023 at 21:53):

ah great thanks! Sorry last thing, in an elab, how do I get the equivalent of the option type argument as seen here

@[term_elab myterm1]
def myTerm1Impl : TermElab := fun stx type? => sorry

Ah I think the <= t => notation does it?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC