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Stream: lean4

Topic: Nat.div_one in the standard library

Jad Ghalayini (Aug 08 2022 at 16:28):

Hello! Do you guys think it would make sense to add

theorem div_one {n}: n / 1 = n := by {
  induction n with
  | zero => simp only [Nat.div_eq]
  | succ n I  => rw [Nat.div_eq, succ_sub_one, I]; simp_arith

to the standard library? It's missing from Div.lean for some reason, and it's a bit irritating to just have it hanging around in my project

Leonardo de Moura (Aug 08 2022 at 16:52):

@Jad Ghalayini We will be discussing the standard library (contributions, organization, etc) in the next dev update meeting this Thursday. For additional details:

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC