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Stream: lean4

Topic: No support for code generation

Uranus Testing (Oct 25 2021 at 18:03):

inductive Path (α : Type u) : α  α  Type u
| refl : Path α a a

-- error:
-- code generator does not support recursor 'Path.rec' yet,
-- consider using 'match ... with' and/or structural recursion
def Path.symm (p : Path α a b) : Path α b a :=
by { induction p; apply Path.refl }


Leonardo de Moura (Oct 25 2021 at 18:24):

As the error message suggests, this has not been implemented.
The compiler only has support for casesOn recursor.
Note that the following works

inductive Path (α : Type u) : α  α  Type u
| refl : Path α a a

def Path.symm (p : Path α a b) : Path α b a :=
by { cases p; apply Path.refl }

The casesOn recursor is equivalent to the rec one for nonrecursive types.
For recursive types, we strongly encourage users to write recursive definitions. It is easier to write, and the generated code is more efficient.

Uranus Testing (Oct 25 2021 at 18:37):

Types of Path.rec and Path.casesOn are very similar:

#check Path.rec
-- {α : Type u_2} →
--  {motive : (a a_1 : α) → Path α a a_1 → Sort u_1} →
--    ({a : α} → motive a a Path.refl) → {a a_1 : α} → (t : Path α a a_1) → motive a a_1 t

#check Path.casesOn
-- {α : Type u_2} →
--   {motive : (a a_1 : α) → Path α a a_1 → Sort u_1} →
--     {a a_1 : α} → (t : Path α a a_1) → ({a : α} → motive a a Path.refl) → motive a a_1 t

So what’s the difference?

Uranus Testing (Oct 25 2021 at 18:42):

Ah, missed the part about “The casesOn recursor is equivalent to the rec one for nonrecursive types.”

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC