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Stream: lean4

Topic: Not a member of List

Abdalrhman M Mohamed (Apr 10 2022 at 20:41):

I am trying to prove a theorem and came across a goal of the following form:

example : x  y  x  [y] := _

I can easily prove the version without the negations, but I cannot think of a way to prove this one. Can someone give some guidance on how to prove this simple statement?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 10 2022 at 20:44):

I would hope by simp does it

Mario Carneiro (Apr 10 2022 at 20:45):

the non-automated version is to apply mt to turn it into x \in [y] -> x = y, and then apply a theorem called List.mem_single or something which says x \in [y] <-> x = y

Leonardo de Moura (Apr 10 2022 at 21:05):

List.Mem is an inductive predicate with two constructors. You can also use pattern matching to prove this goal.

-- `cases` tactic version
example : x  y  x  [y] := by
  intro hne hin
  cases hin <;> contradiction

-- `match` version
example : x  y  x  [y] :=
  fun hne hin =>
    match hin with
    | List.Mem.head _ => hne rfl -- `match` refined `hne` type to `x ≠ x`
    -- Remark `match` can figure out that the case `List.Mem.tail` is "unreachable"

-- Compressed version of the previous example.
example : x  y  x  [y] :=
  fun hne (List.Mem.head _) => hne rfl

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC