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Stream: lean4

Topic: OfNat Pos (n+1)

Mike Schneeberger (Jan 01 2023 at 13:21):

In the functional programming in lean tutorial, the instance of OfNat for positive numbers is implemented as follows:

instance : OfNat Pos (n + 1) where
  ofNat :=
    let rec natPlusOne : Nat  Pos
      | 0 => Pos.one
      | k + 1 => Pos.succ (natPlusOne k)
    natPlusOne n

Based on this example, I'm trying to define an inductive type like Nat, but which only contains numbers that are greater than a certain number n.

For example, (5 : GNat 3) should work, while (2 : GNat 3) should not work.

Here is how I implemented it:

inductive GNat : Nat  Type where
  | zero : (n : Nat)  GNat n
  | succ : {n : Nat}  GNat n  GNat n

instance : OfNat (GNat n) (n + m) where
  ofNat :=
    let rec natPlusM : Nat  GNat n
    | Nat.zero => GNat.zero n
    | Nat.succ k => GNat.succ (natPlusM k)
    natPlusM m

#check (5 : GNat 3)   -- failed to synthesisze instance OfNat (GNat 3) 5

Why do I get this error message? Is there another way to make this work?

François G. Dorais (Jan 01 2023 at 15:12):

Try this:

instance [OfNat (GNat n) m] : OfNat (GNat n) (m + 1) where
  ofNat := GNat.succ (OfNat.ofNat m)

instance : OfNat (GNat n) (n) where
  ofNat := GNat.zero n

#check (5 : GNat 3)

Mike Schneeberger (Jan 01 2023 at 16:39):

Fantastic! That looks even more elegant than the solution from the tutorial. Thanks!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC