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Stream: lean4
Topic: Opaque let binding in simp
Tomas Skrivan (Nov 11 2022 at 10:45):
When you turn off zeta reduction in the simplifier the free variable introduced by let becomes completely opaque.
In my use case this is a problem. I want the discharger/typeclass system to see through these free variables.
Here is an example:
set_option trace.Meta.Tactic.simp.discharge true in
example :
let f := (λ x : Int => 1 + x)
inv (λ x => f (f x))
λ x => inv f (inv f x)
:= by simp (config := { zeta := false}) -- [Meta.Tactic.simp.discharge] @comp_inv, failed to synthesize instance HasInv f
The simplifier fails to apply (f ∘ f)⁻¹ = f⁻¹ ∘ f⁻¹
because f
is complete opaque with zeta reduction off and it can't prove that f
is invertible.
Is there a way to deal with this?
My ultimate goal is to have a tactic that turns an expression:
let f := (λ x : Int => 1 + x)
inv (λ x => f (f x))
let f := (λ x : Int => 1 + x)
let inv_f := (λ x : Int => x - 1)
λ x => inv_f (inv_f x)
Tomas Skrivan (Nov 11 2022 at 10:45):
variable {α β γ : Type} [Inhabited α] [Inhabited β] [Inhabited γ]
class HasInv (f : α → β) where
has_inverse : ∃ g : β → α, (∀ x, f (g x) = x) ∧ (∀ x, g (f x) = x)
def inv (f : α → β) : β → α := sorry
theorem comp_inv (f : β → γ) (g : α → β) [HasInv f] [HasInv g]
: inv (λ x => f (g x)) = λ y => inv g (inv f y) := sorry
instance (y : Int) : HasInv (λ x => y + x) := sorry
@[simp] theorem add_inv (y : Int) : inv (λ x => y + x) = λ x => x - y := sorry
set_option trace.Meta.Tactic.simp.discharge true in
example :
let f := (λ x : Int => 1 + x)
inv (λ x => f (f x))
λ x => inv f (inv f x)
:= by simp (config := { zeta := false})
Tomas Skrivan (Nov 11 2022 at 10:52):
Here is an idea how to deal with this problem by modifying the simplifier. However, I would like to know if anyone has a simpler idea before I get into this.
The root of this behavior is the line let bx := b.instantiate1 x
which replaces the let free variable with brand new free variable with no value in it.
If I want to have zeta reduction off but allow discharger/typeclass system to see through the free variables introduced by let bindings, I probably have to modify the function synthesizeArgs
and restore the original value for all the newly introduced free variables.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC