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Stream: lean4

Topic: Option coercion

Paul Chisholm (Oct 06 2021 at 22:57):

The following is accepted by Lean:

def g (n : Nat) : Option Nat := some n

def f (n : Nat) : Option Nat :=
  match g n with
  | none => none
  | some x => x

#check f 4
#eval f 4

I assume in the some clause of the match the x of type Nat is being coerced to Option Nat.

However, the following throws an error:

def f (n : Nat) : Option Nat :=
  match g n with
  | none => none
  | some x => 4
failed to synthesize instance
  OfNat (Option Nat) 4

The 4 is not coerced to Option Nat though the documentation states in the absence of other information, a numeric literal is considered to be Nat. I can get it to pass type checking by changing it to (4:Nat).

Leonardo de Moura (Oct 06 2021 at 23:07):

The 4 is not coerced to Option Nat though the documentation states in the absence of other information, a numeric literal is considered to be Nat

The documentation is correct. The expected type is available, it is Option Nat.

I can get it to pass type checking by changing it to (4:Nat).

You can also write some 4 and avoid the need for a coercion.

Paul Chisholm (Oct 06 2021 at 23:11):

Yes, personally I always include the some for clarity, but why is x coerced to Option Nat by 4 throw an error?

Leonardo de Moura (Oct 06 2021 at 23:15):

It is because Lean knows that x is a Nat, but doesn't know what 4 is. The numeric literals are polymorphic in Lean. Given a context where the expected type is A, Lean will accept the numeric literal 4, if it can synthesize the instance OfNat A 4. Polymorphism and coercions often create the problem you described above.

Paul Chisholm (Oct 06 2021 at 23:16):

Ok, got it thanks.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC