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Stream: lean4
Topic: Partial def versus def
Siddharth Bhat (Oct 11 2021 at 12:34):
I imagined that a partial def
will succeed whenever a def
would. However, this example shows that this is not the case:
inductive TestResult
| success
| failure (err: String)
class Shrinkable (α : Type) where
shrink: α → List α
partial def minimizeCounterexample [Shrinkable α] (a: α) (p: α -> TestResult): α × String :=
let rec go (xs: List α): α × String:=
match xs with
| [] =>
match p a with
| TestResult.failure err => (a, err)
| x::xs => go xs
go (Shrinkable.shrink a)
The partial def
errors with:
10:0: error: failed to compile partial definition 'minimizeCounterexample.go',
failed to show that type is inhabited
while the file type checks with a def
. I imagine this is because Lean doesn't attempt to verify if the partial def
is well-founded, and simply tries to create an inhabitant for proof-theoretic concerns? Is it possible to change this to have Lean check if a partial def
would succeed as a def
? I am unsure if the overhead is worth it, however.
Mac (Oct 11 2021 at 17:44):
@Siddharth Bhat as with a constant
you need to show that the result of a partial def
is Inhabited
(to prevent i from potentially rendering Lean's logic unsound). In your example, this can be done by simply adding [Inhabited α]
to the function's signature.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC