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Stream: lean4

Topic: Persistent extension not persisting

Patrick Massot (Aug 15 2022 at 14:09):

I though I understood how environment extensions works but I realize that I didn't test persistence across files. If I create a project with
lake +leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-08-15 new issue && cd issue && rm Issue.lean && mkdir Issue && cd Issue with

import Lean

open Lean

initialize myExt : SimplePersistentEnvExtension String (Array String) 
  registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension {
    name := `mystuff
    addEntryFn := Array.push
    addImportedFn := Array.concatMap id

open Elab Command in
elab "#liststuff" : command => do
  for stuff in myExt.getEntries ( getEnv) do
    dbg_trace stuff

elab "addStuff" msg:str : command => do
  modifyEnv (myExt.addEntry · msg.getString)


import Issue.Extension

addStuff "Test"



import Issue.file1


then everything works fine in file1 but I don't get any output in file2

Leonardo de Moura (Aug 15 2022 at 15:27):

The implementation of #liststuff is incorrect. You should use myExt.getState instead of myExt.getEntries. The method getEntries returns the entries created in the current file.

Patrick Massot (Aug 15 2022 at 18:09):

Thank you very much. I opened https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/pull/1487. I know that documenting the whole file would be better but at least I didn't let this answer disappear.

Sebastian Ullrich (Aug 16 2022 at 06:26):

We already have getModuleEntries, which suggests getCurrentModuleEntries as a less ambiguous name

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC