Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: Possible bug with @[reducible]

Luke West (May 12 2023 at 07:05):

In the same project as with the autoImplicit issue, I just ran into this puzzle. In the MRE below, when val is annotated with reducible, rewrite can NOT reduce val in the first branch of not_reducing. When the annotation is removed, rewrite succeeds.

inductive Test : Type
| atom : Nat  Test
| app : Test  Test

def val : Test  Nat
| (Test.atom a) => a
| (Test.app a) => (val a) + 1

theorem not_reducing (a0 a1 : Test) :
  Nat.add (val a0) (val a1) = 0 := by
match a0, a1 with
| _, Test.atom _ => rewrite [val]; sorry -- rewrite fails
| Test.atom _, _ => rewrite [val]; sorry -- rewrite works
| _, _ => sorry

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC