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Stream: lean4

Topic: Q: Nat.any vs Nat.anyTR

Yuri de Wit (Oct 28 2022 at 22:35):

I see two versions of Nat.any: one that is tail recursive and one that isn't.

@[specialize] def any (f : Nat  Bool) : Nat  Bool
  | 0      => false
  | succ n => any f n || f n

@[inline] def anyTR (f : Nat  Bool) (n : Nat) : Bool :=
  let rec @[specialize] loop : Nat  Bool
    | 0      => false
    | succ m => f (n - succ m) || loop m
  loop n

Curious: what is the reason to keep the non-tail recursive version?

Yuri de Wit (Oct 28 2022 at 22:37):

[Compiler.result] size: 9
    def Nat.any f x.1 : Bool :=
      cases x.1 : Bool
      | Nat.zero =>
        let _x.2 := false;
        return _x.2
      | Nat.succ n.3 =>
        let _x.4 := Nat.any f n.3;
        cases _x.4 : Bool
        | Bool.false =>
          let _x.5 := f n.3;
          return _x.5
        | Bool.true =>
          return _x.4

I guess we should also share the f n computation.

Yuri de Wit (Oct 28 2022 at 22:41):

Just for a bit of context, I am querying LCNF to find recursive declarations that are not tail recursive.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 29 2022 at 00:25):

We could just mark the non-TR version as noncomputable here to prevent the compiler from generating the code, but there is nothing on the definition of any itself that makes it clear that it is being replaced, like implemented_by, so this might cause problems for the noncomputable checker

Wojciech Nawrocki (Oct 29 2022 at 03:08):

To the original question "what is the reason to keep the non-tail recursive version", I am assuming, as in other cases such as map and mapTR, it is that the straightforward version is easier to reason about as a mathematical model (maybe not soo much in this particular case but in general it's definitely true).

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC