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Topic: Questions on Fin type and def/abbrev

Paul Chisholm (Sep 23 2021 at 10:21):

Looking at the Fin structure defined in the prelude (Lean 4 version) a couple of questions arise:

  • I understand most of the Fin definition, but what is the purpose of the last two lines given Fin has already been shown to be an instance of LE and LT:
instance Fin.decLt {n} (a b : Fin n) : Decidable (LT.lt a b)  := Nat.decLt ..
instance Fin.decLe {n} (a b : Fin n) : Decidable (LE.le a b) := Nat.decLe ..
  • What causes the following errors?
def To10 : Type := Fin 10

def zero : To10 := 0, by decide
def one : To10 := 1, by decide

#check (⟨0, by decide⟩:To10) = (⟨1, by decide⟩:To10)
#check (⟨0, by decide⟩:To10)  (⟨1, by decide⟩:To10)
#check (⟨0, by decide⟩:To10) < (⟨1, by decide⟩:To10)
#check zero = one
--#check zero ≤ one  -- error: failed to synthesize instance LE To10
--#check zero < one  -- error: failed to synthesize instance LT To10

I just remembered abbrev being mentioned elsewhere so I tried changing the definition of To10 to abbrev To10 : Type := Fin 10 and the errors disappear. Hence something to do with the difference between def and abbrev, but what, any why does it only affect LT and LE, not equality?

  • More generally, what are the guidelines for using def vs abbrev?

Yaël Dillies (Sep 23 2021 at 10:25):

Fin.decLt doesn't declare that Fin has a <, but that this < is decidable, meaning that ∀ a b, a < b ∨ ¬ a < b. Similarly, Fin.decLe states that ∀ a b, a ≤ b ∨ ¬ a ≤ b.

Yaël Dillies (Sep 23 2021 at 10:26):

Those are derived from their decidability on , as you can see from the (very brief) proofs.

Paul Chisholm (Sep 23 2021 at 10:28):

Ok, so without those two lines you have that Fin is an instance of LT and LE but you need decidability to make headway in proofs, or for computation.

Yaël Dillies (Sep 23 2021 at 10:29):


Paul Chisholm (Sep 23 2021 at 10:29):


Yaël Dillies (Sep 23 2021 at 10:30):

Your error is a reducibility issue. eq is defined for all types, so that's no surprise if you don't get any error. < and however have to be declared (they come from "syntax" typeclasses). Here, you defined To10 to be a type synonym of Fin 10. By design, hardly anything leaks through type synonyms, because this system allows us to overcharge a type with different instances of the same structure.

Yaël Dillies (Sep 23 2021 at 10:32):

Eg order_dual is equipped with the reverse order. with_top α, with_bot α, alexandroff α are all type synonyms of option α, used to add a top element, a bottom element, a point at infinity, respectively.

Notification Bot (Sep 23 2021 at 10:33):

This topic was moved here from #general > Questions on Fin type and def/abbrev by Eric Wieser

Paul Chisholm (Sep 23 2021 at 10:34):

If I really wanted a type to range over 0..9 should I use def and put on the extra effort, or is abbrev a better approach, or indeed something else.

Yakov Pechersky (Sep 23 2021 at 10:41):

You should use "Fin 10". If you don't want to write "Fin 10", then you can use the "notation" to give it some shorthand

Eric Wieser (Sep 23 2021 at 10:42):

abbrev should be just fine here I think?

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 23 2021 at 10:47):

Every new definition comes with a cost, because, unlike a human, Lean does not know when it's best to keep the definition wrapped up in its box and to proceed using the API for the definition (which someone has to write -- every definition needs an API), and when to open the box and use the underlying "definiens". If you want something which is the same as Fin 10 then this is the argument for using Fin 10 rather than letting it be X or whatever -- Fin already has an API so you don't need to write it.

Paul Chisholm (Sep 23 2021 at 10:52):

Fin 10 would be ok here, but I think there would be situations where I wouldn't want to repeat the basic form. If I say wanted to model dates and times, then rather than have Fin 24 everywhere, I would want to use a type named Hour, and Minute rather than Fin 60, etc.

Sounds like abbev would be the way to go. As you can probably guess from the example, my interest is in computing rather than maths.

Yakov Pechersky (Sep 23 2021 at 10:54):

I think what's crucial here is the difference between facilitating _defining_ something or proving something about existing definitions.

Yakov Pechersky (Sep 23 2021 at 10:55):

The < and <= are defined for all Fin n, so you don't have to worry about specializing those instances to Hour or Minute. Hopefully, the API you are using does not care about 24 or 60.

Yakov Pechersky (Sep 23 2021 at 10:57):

I can understand that perhaps for Hour you might want to have two representations, 00-23 and 00-12 {am,pm}, while for Minute it'd be solely 00-59.

Yakov Pechersky (Sep 23 2021 at 10:57):

And yes, there you would then need to have at least separate specialization.

Paul Chisholm (Sep 23 2021 at 11:01):

So by using abbrev everything is inherited from Fin and all the properties hold.

Yes, 24 and 60 are excluded, and all times are modelled in UTC, so hour is always 0..23 (am/pm is just an output presentation).

Scott Morrison (Sep 24 2021 at 10:48):

It's also quite easy to make a type synonym and copy across the subset of typeclass instances you actually want. Search for @[derive ] in mathlib3 for many examples.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC