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Stream: lean4

Topic: RFC: Partial destructuring

Denis Gorbachev (Sep 18 2023 at 23:00):

structure Person where
  name : String
  age : Nat

def Centennial (person : Person) : Prop :=
  -- let { age } := person -- doesn't work, proposing to implement it
  let { name, age } := person
  age  100

We already have destructuring assignment, which is great: let { name, age } := person. However, partial destructuring assignment doesn't work: let { age } := person is a syntax error.

Partial destructuring would improve readability, especially for functions on structures with 3+ fields, especially where one field is used multiple times throughout the function.

What do you think?

James Gallicchio (Sep 18 2023 at 23:16):

you can do { age, .. } which is pretty close :)

Denis Gorbachev (Sep 19 2023 at 01:50):

@James Gallicchio Thanks for the pointer!

Denis Gorbachev (Sep 19 2023 at 01:50):

Wouldn't it be shorter if we could just write { age }?

James Gallicchio (Sep 19 2023 at 02:25):

It would be shorter, but it is nice to have exhaustivity checks for destructuring patterns by default. It helps you find all the places that might need updating when you change a structure!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC