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Stream: lean4

Topic: Reading Expr

Tomaz Gomes (Apr 05 2023 at 21:43):

Is there a way to transform Syntax representing directly an Expr into an Expr? For instance, in the following code:

elab "%dynDelab" t:term : term => sorry

def t : (%dynDelab (Expr.const `Nat []))  (%dynDelab (Expr.const `Nat [])) := fun x => x

how could I fill the sorry? I tried using elabTerm but then I got the following error in t:

type expected, got
  (Expr.const `Nat [] : Expr)

It seems that Lean delaborated it back to the Expr, instead of Nat... I printed the representation of the output of elabTerm and it was something a lot bigger than the original Expr:

h = Lean.Expr.app
    (Lean.Expr.const `Lean.Expr.const [])
    (Lean.Expr.app (Lean.Expr.const `Lean.Name.mkStr1 []) (Lean.Expr.lit (Lean.Literal.strVal "Nat"))))
    (Lean.Expr.const `List.nil [Lean.Level.mvar (Lean.Name.mkNum `_uniq 1621)])
    (Lean.Expr.mvar (Lean.Name.mkNum `_uniq 1622)))

I believe I need something like deriving Read from Haskell in the type Expr

Henrik Böving (Apr 05 2023 at 22:26):

So, what you are giving elabTerm here is a Syntax object that described the construction of an Expr object. Not actually an Expr object itself (you are basically confusing the meta level and the language level here). I guess what you really want is more or less an eval type of stuff? I know we have evalConst but I'm not sure whether we also have evalExpr.

Eric Wieser (Apr 05 2023 at 22:44):

Tangentially; we have docs#ToExpr for turning a value into the Expr that represents it; do we have something similar that converts things to the corresponding syntax?

Eric Wieser (Apr 05 2023 at 22:45):

Or is the idea to convert to an expression, and then hand that to the global delaborators?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 05 2023 at 23:19):

We do have docs4#Lean.Meta.evalExpr

Mario Carneiro (Apr 05 2023 at 23:21):

to be more precise, what is needed for dynDelab% is to call elabTerm to convert the result into an Expr representing an expr, and then call evalExpr on the result to turn it into the expr you want

Mario Carneiro (Apr 05 2023 at 23:23):

Regarding @Eric Wieser 's question, to turn an expr into syntax requires the delaborator, the entry point is docs4#Lean.PrettyPrinter.delab

Kyle Miller (Apr 06 2023 at 01:51):

Eric Wieser said:

Tangentially; we have docs#ToExpr for turning a value into the Expr that represents it; do we have something similar that converts things to the corresponding syntax?

There's docs4#Lean.Quote.quote. There's also docs4#Lean.Elab.Term.exprToSyntax for embedding an Expr into syntax, which can often work.

Eric Wieser (Apr 06 2023 at 14:54):

Can I use any of these in MacroM?

Tomaz Gomes (Apr 06 2023 at 15:43):

thanks, I could get exactly the effect I wanted:

import Std
import Lean

open Lean Meta Elab

elab "%dynDelab" t:term : term => do
  let h  Term.elabTerm t none
  let h'  unsafe (evalExpr Expr (mkConst ``Expr) h)
  return h'

def idNat' : (%dynDelab (Expr.const `Nat []))  (%dynDelab (Expr.const `Nat [])) :=
  fun x => x

#check idNat' -- idNat' (a : Nat) : Nat

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC