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Stream: lean4

Topic: Reading floats

Ramon Fernandez Mir (May 20 2022 at 17:58):

I need to read the value of floats to convert it to a rational or some structure I can reason about. If I'm not mistaken, the only way to do that right now is to convert it to string and do something like:

def readFloat (f : Float) : Option (Int × Nat) :=
  match Lean.Json.Parser.num f.toString.mkIterator with
    | Lean.Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res =>
      some (res.mantissa, res.exponent)
    | _ => none

Or I could also multiply by a big number, then convert it to int and get some approximation. But I guess that could lead to problems for big floats.

Instead, what I've currently done is I've changed Lean to be able to get the bit representation and from there I can extract the values I need. So I've added:

/* In lean.h */
 static inline uint64_t lean_float_to_bits(double a) {
    union { double f; uint64_t u; } fu = { .f = a }; return fu.u;
-- In Float.lean
@[extern "lean_float_to_bits"] constant Float.toBits : Float  UInt64

There's no way to do that without changing Lean, right? Would it make sense to have this function or a similar one in Lean? Thanks

Henrik Böving (May 20 2022 at 18:07):

Oh of course there is a way, you can add FFI extensions to Lean as a user yourself without touching the compiler, example for how to do this with a lake project: https://github.com/leanprover/lake/tree/master/examples/ffi

Ramon Fernandez Mir (May 20 2022 at 18:13):

I see. So that would be an option. But last time I tried using the FFI, I couldn't really make it work interactively. Has that been solved now?

Henrik Böving (May 20 2022 at 18:16):

I don't know that from the top of my head its been a while since I've touched the FFI since it's not the main focus right now and will get some more love after mathlib4 is ported.

James Gallicchio (May 21 2022 at 14:19):

Ramon Fernandez Mir said:

I see. So that would be an option. But last time I tried using the FFI, I couldn't really make it work interactively. Has that been solved now?

Do you mean with #eval commands? https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/.23eval.20with.20native.20functions

Ramon Fernandez Mir (May 23 2022 at 14:41):

I see, yes, that worked nicely, thank you! All I needed was

moreServerArgs := #["--load-dynlib=extern/build/lib/FloatExt.dylib"]

in my Lake file.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC