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Stream: lean4
Topic: Reasoning about Integers
Aymeric Fromherz (Oct 01 2022 at 13:29):
I'm trying to do small arithmetic proofs with Lean 4, and I'm struggling with the following small lemma
def foo (x : Nat) : 0 <= Int.ofNat x := by sorry
I found Nat.zero_le
which almost gives me what I need, but I still need to prove that x <= y -> Int.ofNat x <= Int.ofNat y
Is this lemma somewhere in the standard library (and what is the recommended way to look for such lemmas, and/or to do proofs on integers)?
Marcus Rossel (Oct 01 2022 at 16:03):
Here's a proof:
def foo (x : Nat) : 0 <= Int.ofNat x := Int.NonNeg.mk _
Aymeric Fromherz (Oct 01 2022 at 16:10):
Marcus Rossel (Oct 01 2022 at 16:12):
The <=
notation corresponds to LE.le
. The LE
instance for Int
uses Int.le
protected def Int.le (a b : Int) : Prop := NonNeg (b - a)
inductive NonNeg : Int → Prop where
| mk (n : Nat) : NonNeg (ofNat n)
So if you want to prove (x <= y) → (Int.ofNat x <= Int.ofNat y)
you could start like this:
example : (x <= y) → (Int.ofNat x <= Int.ofNat y) := by
intro h
simp [LE.le, Int.le]
which then requires you to prove:
⊢ Int.NonNeg (Int.ofNat y - Int.ofNat x)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC