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Stream: lean4

Topic: Referential transparency and proofs

cognivore (Sep 20 2022 at 20:37):

Consider the following code:

private def isInr (x : α  β) := match x with
  | .inr _ => true
  | .inl _ => false

private def extractNat' -- (x : String)
                   (pr : String  Nat)-- := parse (parseRadixNat'Do $ hod x) x)
                   (doesParse : isInr pr)
                   : Nat :=
  match pr with
  | .inr y => y
  | .inl _ => by
    unfold isInr at doesParse
    simp at doesParse

private def parseRadixNat'Do' (_radix : Nat) (input : String) : String  Nat :=
  if input == "23" then
    .inr 100
    .inl "Menzoberranzan"

private def demoParse (φ : String  String  Nat) (x : String) : String  Nat :=
  φ x

structure Nat' (x : String) :=
  radix := 10
  valE := demoParse (parseRadixNat'Do' radix) x
  doesParse : isInr $ demoParse (parseRadixNat'Do' radix) x
  val : Nat := extractNat' (demoParse (parseRadixNat'Do' radix) x) doesParse

structure Nat'Buggy (x : String) :=
  -- radix := hod x
  radix := 10
  valE := demoParse (parseRadixNat'Do' radix) x
  doesParse : isInr valE
  val : Nat := extractNat' valE doesParse

theorem high_five : isInr $ demoParse (parseRadixNat'Do' 3555) "23" := by

def bug : Nat'Buggy "228" :=
  { doesParse := high_five }
#check bug
#eval bug.val

Instead of complaining that the proof is attached to a wrong String, it binds valE to the value we supply via the theorem.

Nat', however, behaves well.

Is there a way to optimise Nat' such that we parse stuff only once and have lean check that "valE" from the theorem is the same as the default valE?

cognivore (Sep 22 2022 at 19:00):

To rephrase it shortly:

If a structure depends on x x , how to make it also depend on f x f \ x without having the user call f x f \ x themselves?

James Gallicchio (Sep 22 2022 at 19:03):

Oh, I see what you mean -- I use a Cached type for this, lemme send a link

James Gallicchio (Sep 22 2022 at 19:04):


cognivore (Sep 22 2022 at 19:06):

Wow, will check it out, thank you, James! cc @Ilona Prikule

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC