Zulip Chat Archive
Stream: lean4
Topic: Round trip elaboration
Yakov Pechersky (Sep 05 2021 at 02:32):
What is the current approach to proving that the defined elaboration and delaboration round trip successfully? In other words, how does one right the theorem that in the following example, elaborating and delaborating C : term
gives the same output? Or that delaborating and elaborating C : atom
gives the same value?
open Lean PrettyPrinter
inductive atom
| carbon | nitrogen | oxygen
syntax "C" : term
syntax "N" : term
syntax "O" : term
| `(C) => `(atom.carbon)
| `(N) => `(atom.nitrogen)
| `(O) => `(atom.oxygen)
@[appUnexpander atom.carbon]
def unexpandCarbon : Unexpander
| `($(_)) => `(C)
| _ => unreachable!
@[appUnexpander atom.nitrogen]
def unexpandNitrogen : Unexpander
| `($(_)) => `(N)
| _ => unreachable!
@[appUnexpander atom.oxygen]
def unexpandOxygen : Unexpander
| `($(_)) => `(O)
| _ => unreachable!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC