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Stream: lean4

Topic: Separation Logic

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 10 2022 at 15:30):

I think this deserves a separate topic: @Lars König has just defended his master thesis, in which he ported (a big chunk of) the separation logic interface of the Coq library Iris to Lean 4, including some surface & internal improvements (see ch. 5 for a comparison) https://pp.ipd.kit.edu/uploads/publikationen/koenig22masterarbeit.pdf image.png

Lars König (Oct 26 2022 at 15:38):

Thank you @Sebastian Ullrich :) The code is now available at iris-lean for everyone interested. The readme file describes how one can use the proof interface to perform proofs in a custom separation logic. It also explains some concepts and the structure of the project. There are examples for classical separation logic in src/Iris/Instances/Classical and the proof from the image above can be found in src/Iris/Examples/Proofs.lean.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC