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Stream: lean4

Topic: Setting maxHeartbeats as a lake flag

Adam Topaz (Dec 19 2023 at 19:44):

I have a file with main : IO Unit which essentially obtains an environment from some file and uses it with docs#Lean.Elab.ContextInfo.runMetaM to execute some run : MetaM Unit. I am trying to run this with lake env lean --run filename.lean, but I'm exceeding the heartbeat limit. I know for a fact that running run with #eval run works if I set the max heartbeats to 0, but I don't know how to set this option in the command line with lake. I'm sure it's easy to do, I just don't know the right flag the use. Any hints?

Mario Carneiro (Dec 19 2023 at 20:03):

looks like you should be able to set maxHeartbeats inside the ContextInfo you pass to that function

Adam Topaz (Dec 19 2023 at 20:05):

you mean by manually setting options := ...?

Mario Carneiro (Dec 19 2023 at 20:05):

import Lean
open Lean Elab
example {α} (info : ContextInfo) (lctx : LocalContext) (x : MetaM α) : IO α := do
  let info := {info with options := Core.maxHeartbeats.set info.options 0 }
  info.runMetaM lctx x

Adam Topaz (Dec 19 2023 at 20:06):

Thanks Mario!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC