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Stream: lean4

Topic: Showing hygienic binder names

Parth Shastri (Dec 06 2022 at 00:58):

In the following example, both x and l are displayed identically in the type of Foo.mk, even with pp.all set to true.

inductive Foo
  | mk : List.length l = nat_lit 3  Foo

set_option pp.all true in
#print Foo.mk
-- constructor Foo.mk.{u_1} : {x : Type u_1} → {l : List.{u_1} x} → @Eq.{1} Nat (@List.length.{u_1} x l) 3 → Foo.{u_1}

However, x was introduced hygienically and as such cannot be used as an explicit argument name:

#check Foo.mk (l := [1, 2, 3]) rfl
-- Foo.mk (_ : List.length [1, 2, 3] = List.length [1, 2, 3]) : Foo
#check Foo.mk (x := Nat) (l := [1, 2, 3]) rfl
-- error: invalid argument name 'x' for function 'Foo.mk'

Is there any way to display the type of Foo.mk that shows the hygiene information e.g. displaying x as x✝?

Parth Shastri (Dec 06 2022 at 01:02):

For a less contrived example, this behavior appears when the name of instance arguments is not specified:

set_option pp.all true in
#print Option.get!
-- def Option.get!.{u} : {α : Type u} → [inst : Inhabited.{u + 1} α] → Option.{u} α → α := ...

#check @Option.get! (α := Nat)
-- @Option.get! Nat : [inst : Inhabited Nat] → Option Nat → Nat
#check @Option.get! (α := Nat) (inst := instInhabitedNat)
-- invalid argument name 'inst' for function 'Option.get!'

In other words, from how the type is displayed, it is unclear whether or not the argument name can actually be used.

Sebastian Ullrich (Dec 06 2022 at 08:45):

I think this is another instance of https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/375

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC