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Stream: lean4

Topic: Simplifying match and projection

pandaman (Nov 20 2023 at 08:09):

Hi. I have the following function:

def f {α : Type} (arr : Array α) (i j : Nat) : { m : Nat // i  m  m  j } × Array α := sorry

When proving a theorem involving the function, I wanted to simplify a term with match and the projection like this, but simp couldn't process it.

theorem motive {α : Type} (arr : Array α) (i j : Nat) :
  (match f arr i (j - 1) with
  | (⟨mid, hmid₁, hmid₂⟩⟩, arr) => (⟨mid, hmid₁, Nat.le_trans hmid₂ (Nat.sub_le ..)⟩⟩, arr)
  : { mid : Nat // i  mid  mid  j } × Array α).snd = (f arr i (j - 1)).snd := by
  -- simp made no progress

It seems that the ⟨hmid₁, hmid₂⟩ part is the culprit, so this version worked:

theorem motive' {α : Type} (arr : Array α) (i j : Nat) :
  (match f arr i (j - 1) with
  | (⟨mid, hm⟩, arr) => (⟨mid, hm.left, Nat.le_trans hm.right (Nat.sub_le ..)⟩⟩, arr)
  : { mid : Nat // i  mid  mid  j } × Array α).snd = (f arr i (j - 1)).snd := by

Out of curiosity, I would like to know

  1. Why the first version didn't work?
  2. If we don't want to change the definition, how we can make the first version work?


pandaman (Nov 21 2023 at 12:27):

A similar instance of the issue (sorry, couldn't minimize this). Consider the following definition of quickSortImpl.

abbrev Vec (α : Type) (n : Nat) := { arr : Array α // arr.size = n }

def partition {α : Type} [Ord α]
  {n : Nat} (arr : Vec α n) (first last : Nat)
  (fl : first  last) (ln : last < n) :
  { mid : Nat // first  mid  mid  last } × Vec α n := sorry

def quickSortImpl {α : Type} [Ord α]
  {n : Nat} (arr : Vec α n) (first last : Nat) (ln : last < n) :
  Vec α n :=
  if lt : first < last then
    match partition arr first last (Nat.le_of_lt lt) ln with
    | (⟨mid, hmid₁, hmid₂⟩⟩, arr) =>
      -- Lemmas
      have : mid - 1 - first < last - first :=  sorry
      have : last - (mid + 1) < last - first := sorry
      have : mid - 1 < n := sorry

      -- Recursion
      let arr := quickSortImpl arr first (mid - 1) (by assumption)
      quickSortImpl arr (mid + 1) last ln
termination_by _ => last - first

When proving a theorem about the function, I got a term like this, which simp cannot proceed with destructuring the match:

-- def P (arr : Vec α n) : Prop := sorry

-- I want to show this
P (match partition arr first last (_ : first  last) ln with
  | ({ val := mid, property := (_ : first  mid  mid  last) }, arr) =>
    quickSortImpl (quickSortImpl arr first (mid - 1) (_ : mid - 1 < n)) (mid + 1) last ln)

However, when I removed the use of match in quickSortImpl, somehow I could get a nicer term:

-- Given this definition
def quickSortImpl {α : Type} [Ord α]
  {n : Nat} (arr : Vec α n) (first last : Nat) (ln : last < n) :
  Vec α n :=
  if lt : first < last then
    -- Do not use match
    let parted := partition arr first last (Nat.le_of_lt lt) ln
    let mid := parted.1.val
    let hm := parted.1.property
    let arr := parted.2

    -- Lemmas
    have : mid - 1 - first < last - first := termination_lemma lt hm.1 hm.2
    have : last - (mid + 1) < last - first := Nat.sub_lt_sub_left lt (Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt hm.1 (Nat.lt_succ_self ..))
    have : mid - 1 < n := Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt (Nat.sub_le ..) (Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt hm.2 ln)

    -- Recursion
    let arr := quickSortImpl arr first (mid - 1) (by assumption)
    quickSortImpl arr (mid + 1) last ln

-- I got this, which I could prove by recursion on P.
P (quickSortImpl
    (quickSortImpl (partition arr first last (_ : first  last) ln).snd first
      ((partition arr first last (_ : first  last) ln).fst.val - 1)
      (_ : (partition arr first last (_ : first  last) ln).fst.val - 1 < n))
    ((partition arr first last (_ : first  last) ln).fst.val + 1) last ln)

pandaman (Nov 21 2023 at 12:29):

Is this kind of use of match to deconstruct nested data structures not recommended?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC