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Stream: lean4

Topic: Simulating proof branching in TermElabM

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 05:33):

There are two ways to write this proof:

example:  (p q: Prop), p  q  q  p := by
  intro p q h
  cases h
  apply Or.inr
  apply Or.inl
example:  (p q: Prop), p  q  q  p := by
  intro p q h
  cases h
  . apply Or.inr
  . apply Or.inl

and I want to simulate this using TermElabM so the proof can be fed into the machine procedurally. My tactic execution function is this one (I have a MWE)

  let tac : Lean.Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit := set state.tactic *> Lean.Elab.Tactic.evalTactic stx
  let mvarId := state.tactic.goals.get! goalId
  let unsolvedGoals  Lean.Elab.Tactic.run mvarId tac
  if ( getThe Lean.Core.State).messages.hasErrors then
    let messages := ( getThe Lean.Core.State).messages |>.toList.toArray
    let errors  (messages.map Lean.Message.data).mapM fun md => md.toString
    IO.println s!"{errors}"
    return state
    unsolvedGoals.forM Lean.instantiateMVarDeclMVars
    let nextState : Lean.Elab.Tactic.SavedState := {
      term := ( Lean.Elab.Term.saveState),
      tactic := { goals := unsolvedGoals }
    let goals  unsolvedGoals.mapM fun g => do pure $ toString ( Lean.Meta.ppGoal g)
    IO.println s!"Tactic '{tactic}' succeeded."
    IO.println s!"{goals}"
    return nextState

Here goalId specifies which goal should the tactic be run on. However when I ran apply Or.inr on cases h's first goal, the other goal also shows up:

def proof: M IO Unit := do
  let context  read
  let env := context.env
  let (_, _)  execute_term_elab <| do
    let expr  parse_expr env "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p"
    let state  start_tactic_state expr
    let state  execute_tactic env state 0 "intro p q h"
    let branch  execute_tactic env state 0 "cases h"
    -- First branch
    let state  execute_tactic env branch 0 "apply Or.inr"
    let _  execute_tactic env state 0 "assumption"
    -- Second branch
    let state  execute_tactic env branch 1 "apply Or.inl"
    let _  execute_tactic env state 0 "assumption"
  IO.println "Completed"

the line of Or.inr prints

Tactic 'apply Or.inr' succeeded.
[case inl.h
p q : Prop
h : p
 p, case inr
p q : Prop
h : q
 q  p]

Is there a way to apply the tactic to only the first goal? Ideally after the assumption tactic the proof branch should be concluded with no more goals.

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 05:40):

MWE: https://pastebin.com/wVGxLvsz

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 05:54):

Here's how I would set up the equivalent of your other MWE:

import Lean

open Lean Elab Term Meta

def start_tactic_state (goal : String)
    (x : Tactic.SavedState  Tactic.TacticM Unit) : CoreM Unit := do
  MetaM.run' <| TermElabM.run' <| do
  let .ok syn := Parser.runParserCategory ( getEnv) `term goal (fileName := "<stdin>") | failure
  let expr  elabType syn
  let expr  instantiateMVars expr
  let goals  Tactic.run ( mkFreshExprMVar expr).mvarId! do
      IO.println "Tactic state started"
      x ( saveState)
  if goals.isEmpty then
    IO.println "goals accomplished"
    let goals  goals.mapM fun g => do pure $ toString ( Meta.ppGoal g)
    IO.println s!"goals not solved: {goals}"

def execute_tactic (state : Tactic.SavedState) (tactic : String) :
    Tactic.TacticM Tactic.SavedState := do
  let .ok stx :=
    Parser.runParserCategory ( getEnv) `tactic tactic (fileName := "<stdin>") | failure
    Tactic.evalTactic stx
  catch e =>
    IO.println s!"{← e.toMessageData.toString}"
    return state
  if ( getThe Core.State).messages.hasErrors then
    let messages := ( getThe Core.State).messages |>.toList.toArray
    let errors  (messages.map Message.data).mapM fun md => md.toString
    IO.println s!"{errors}"
    return state
  let unsolvedGoals  Tactic.getUnsolvedGoals
  let goals  unsolvedGoals.mapM fun g => do pure $ toString ( Meta.ppGoal g)
  IO.println s!"Tactic succeeded with goals {goals}"

def proof_term_elab: CoreM Unit := do
  start_tactic_state "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p" fun state => do
    let state  execute_tactic state "intro p q h"
    let state  execute_tactic state "cases h"
    let _  execute_tactic state "apply Or.inr"

#eval do
  let env  importModules
    (imports := [{ module := Name.str .anonymous "Init", runtimeOnly := false }])
    (opts := {})
    (trustLevel := 1)
  let coreContext : Core.Context := {
    currNamespace := Name.anonymous,
    openDecls := [],     -- No 'open' directives needed
    fileName := "<onion>",
    fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] }
  discard <| proof_term_elab.toIO coreContext { env := env }

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 05:58):

@Leni V. Aniva said:

def proof: M IO Unit := do
  let context  read
  let env := context.env
  let (_, _)  execute_term_elab <| do
    let expr  parse_expr env "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p"
    let state  start_tactic_state expr
    let state  execute_tactic env state 0 "intro p q h"
    let branch  execute_tactic env state 0 "cases h"
    -- First branch
    let state  execute_tactic env branch 0 "apply Or.inr"
    let _  execute_tactic env state 0 "assumption"
    -- Second branch
    let state  execute_tactic env branch 1 "apply Or.inl"
    let _  execute_tactic env state 0 "assumption"
  IO.println "Completed"

This code seems to indicate a misunderstanding regarding what state is. What you are doing here is attempting to apply Or.inr and assumption, then undoing and trying Or.inl and assumption instead. Both versions apply to the first goal

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 05:59):

If you want to work on multiple subgoals (without undoing tactics after e.g. a failure or incorrect choice), you need to manipulate the goals array. You may or may not want to expose it as an argument to execute_tactic

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:00):

Mario Carneiro said:

If you want to work on multiple subgoals (without undoing tactics after e.g. a failure or incorrect choice), you need to manipulate the goals array. You may or may not want to expose it as an argument to execute_tactic

That would be even more convenient. Thanks! I can look into this

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:00):

Tactics in MetaM generally explicitly pass subgoals around (they accept a MVarId as input and return a List MVarId), while tactics in TacticM generally don't (they get and set the goals stored in the monad state)

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:02):

Mario Carneiro said:

Tactics in MetaM generally explicitly pass subgoals around (they accept a MVarId as input and return a List MVarId), while tactics in TacticM generally don't (they get and set the goals stored in the monad state)

Can TacticM be directly lifted to CoreM?

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:02):

you really should not do that, see the code I posted

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:03):

the start_tactic_state code lifts a TacticM to CoreM, but importantly it scopes over the entire proof

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:03):

if you do fine grained lifting of each tactic separately you will lose track of important state

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:04):

Mario Carneiro said:

if you do fine grained lifting of each tactic separately you will lose track of important state

is that state stored in CoreM or TacticM only?

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:04):

TacticM is a monad stack on top of TermElabM on MetaM on CoreM and all of them add more state

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:06):

you can probably get by with MetaM for the overall proof state, although some minor things won't persist across commands, but anything below that will cause metavariables to be forgotten and other bad things

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:11):

Mario Carneiro said:

you can probably get by with MetaM for the overall proof state, although some minor things won't persist across commands, but anything below that will cause metavariables to be forgotten and other bad things

It seems like I just need the Lean.Core.State in CoreM for metavariables in the simpler example to not be forgotten. Is there anything else to watch out for in the states of TermElabM and MetaM?

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:12):

Is there a reason you need to do this? These are implementation details of lean and if you depend on them your code will break frequently

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:13):

Mario Carneiro said:

Is there a reason you need to do this? These are implementation details of lean and if you depend on them your code will break frequently

I want to be able to backtrack to an earlier state in the proof and if the overall program state carries the same monad as it backtracks it may produce different behaviour

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:15):

The usual mechanisms for backtracking have the desired behavior already. You will not get an airtight guarantee regardless because tactics can use IO refs or other shenanigans, but tactics should basically be reproducible if you use saveState and restore to roll back the state

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:15):

There are some things like the name generator that are never reset

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:18):

Mario Carneiro said:

The usual mechanisms for backtracking have the desired behavior already. You will not get an airtight guarantee regardless because tactics can use IO refs or other shenanigans, but tactics should basically be reproducible if you use saveState and restore to roll back the state

Thanks! I'll try this

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:22):

If I use the same TacticM monad everywhere would it still be possible to add more definitions into the environment on the fly?

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:23):

you can get and set the environment explicitly

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:24):

if you want to add a definition, just call addDecl, if you want to undo the addition use getEnv beforehand and setEnv afterward

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:39):

Mario Carneiro said:

Here's how I would set up the equivalent of your other MWE:

import Lean

open Lean Elab Term Meta

def start_tactic_state (goal : String)
    (x : Tactic.SavedState  Tactic.TacticM Unit) : CoreM Unit := do
  MetaM.run' <| TermElabM.run' <| do
  let .ok syn := Parser.runParserCategory ( getEnv) `term goal (fileName := "<stdin>") | failure
  let expr  elabType syn
  let expr  instantiateMVars expr
  let goals  Tactic.run ( mkFreshExprMVar expr).mvarId! do
      IO.println "Tactic state started"
      x ( saveState)
  if goals.isEmpty then
    IO.println "goals accomplished"
    let goals  goals.mapM fun g => do pure $ toString ( Meta.ppGoal g)
    IO.println s!"goals not solved: {goals}"

def execute_tactic (state : Tactic.SavedState) (tactic : String) :
    Tactic.TacticM Tactic.SavedState := do
  let .ok stx :=
    Parser.runParserCategory ( getEnv) `tactic tactic (fileName := "<stdin>") | failure
    Tactic.evalTactic stx
  catch e =>
    IO.println s!"{← e.toMessageData.toString}"
    return state
  if ( getThe Core.State).messages.hasErrors then
    let messages := ( getThe Core.State).messages |>.toList.toArray
    let errors  (messages.map Message.data).mapM fun md => md.toString
    IO.println s!"{errors}"
    return state
  let unsolvedGoals  Tactic.getUnsolvedGoals
  let goals  unsolvedGoals.mapM fun g => do pure $ toString ( Meta.ppGoal g)
  IO.println s!"Tactic succeeded with goals {goals}"

def proof_term_elab: CoreM Unit := do
  start_tactic_state "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p" fun state => do
    let state  execute_tactic state "intro p q h"
    let state  execute_tactic state "cases h"
    let _  execute_tactic state "apply Or.inr"

#eval do
  let env  importModules
    (imports := [{ module := Name.str .anonymous "Init", runtimeOnly := false }])
    (opts := {})
    (trustLevel := 1)
  let coreContext : Core.Context := {
    currNamespace := Name.anonymous,
    openDecls := [],     -- No 'open' directives needed
    fileName := "<onion>",
    fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] }
  discard <| proof_term_elab.toIO coreContext { env := env }

When I ran this script for some reason it still shows 2 goals in the apply Or.inr branch? I added

def proof_term_elab: CoreM Unit := do
  start_tactic_state "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p" fun state => do
    let state  execute_tactic state "intro p q h"
    let state  execute_tactic state "cases h"
    let state  execute_tactic state "apply Or.inr"
    let state  execute_tactic state "assumption"

and the assumption should finish the Or.inr branch but it doesn't:

Tactic state started
Tactic succeeded with goals [p q : Prop
h : p  q
 q  p]
Tactic succeeded with goals [case inl
p q : Prop
h : p
 q  p, case inr
p q : Prop
h : q
 q  p]
Tactic succeeded with goals [case inl.h
p q : Prop
h : p
 p, case inr
p q : Prop
h : q
 q  p]
Tactic succeeded with goals [case inr
p q : Prop
h : q
 q  p]
goals not solved: [case inr
p q : Prop
h : q
 q  p]

am I missing something here?

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:43):

I don't see an issue here. You just wrote the equivalent of:

example :  (p q: Prop), p  q  q  p := by
  intro p q h
  cases h
  apply Or.inr

and there is one goal remaining at the end

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:43):

Mario Carneiro said:

I don't see an issue here. You just wrote the equivalent of:

example :  (p q: Prop), p  q  q  p := by
  intro p q h
  cases h
  apply Or.inr

and there is one goal remaining at the end

I want the second version since it has proof branching

  intro p q h
  cases h
  . apply Or.inr
  . apply Or.inl

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:44):

That code has proof branching

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:44):

it just isn't using . for focusing on subgoals (i.e. "structured proofs")

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:44):

you can finish the proof if you do

example :  (p q: Prop), p  q  q  p := by
  intro p q h
  cases h
  apply Or.inr
  apply Or.inl

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:45):

How can I simulate . then?

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:46):

what interface do you want for that? . isn't a tactic, it is a tactic combinator and you have to put something after it

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:47):

Mario Carneiro said:

what interface do you want for that? . isn't a tactic, it is a tactic combinator and you have to put something after it

I just want to be able to do something like this

    let expr  parse_expr env "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p"
    let state  start_tactic_state expr
    let state  execute_tactic env state 0 "intro p q h"
    let branch  execute_tactic env state 0 "cases h"
    -- First branch
    let state  execute_tactic env branch 0 "apply Or.inr"
    let _  execute_tactic env state 0 "assumption" -- state has no goals
    -- Second branch
    let state  execute_tactic env branch 1 "apply Or.inl"
    let _  execute_tactic env state 0 "assumption" -- state has no goals

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:50):

How about this:

def start_tactic_state (goal : String)
    (x : Tactic.SavedState  MVarId  Tactic.TacticM Unit) : CoreM Unit := do
  MetaM.run' <| TermElabM.run' <| do
  let .ok syn := Parser.runParserCategory ( getEnv) `term goal (fileName := "<stdin>") | failure
  let expr  elabType syn
  let expr  instantiateMVars expr
  let g := ( mkFreshExprMVar expr).mvarId!
  let goals  Tactic.run g do
      IO.println "Tactic state started"
      x ( saveState) g
  if goals.isEmpty then
    IO.println "goals accomplished"
    let goals  goals.mapM fun g => do pure $ toString ( Meta.ppGoal g)
    IO.println s!"goals not solved: {goals}"

def execute_tactic (state : Tactic.SavedState) (g : MVarId) (tactic : String) :
    Tactic.TacticM (Tactic.SavedState × List MVarId) := do
  Tactic.setGoals [g]
  let .ok stx :=
    Parser.runParserCategory ( getEnv) `tactic tactic (fileName := "<stdin>") | failure
    Tactic.evalTactic stx
  catch e =>
    IO.println s!"{← e.toMessageData.toString}"
    return (state, [g])
  if ( getThe Core.State).messages.hasErrors then
    let messages := ( getThe Core.State).messages |>.toList.toArray
    let errors  (messages.map Message.data).mapM fun md => md.toString
    IO.println s!"{errors}"
    return (state, [g])
  let unsolvedGoals  Tactic.getUnsolvedGoals
  let goals  unsolvedGoals.mapM fun g => do pure $ toString ( Meta.ppGoal g)
  IO.println s!"Tactic succeeded with goals {goals}"
  return ( saveState, unsolvedGoals)

def proof_term_elab: CoreM Unit := do
  start_tactic_state "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p" fun state g => do
    let (state, [g])  execute_tactic state g "intro p q h" | failure
    let (state, [g1, g2])  execute_tactic state g "cases h" | failure
    let (state, [g1])  execute_tactic state g1 "apply Or.inr" | failure
    let (state, [])  execute_tactic state g1 "assumption" | failure
    let (state, [g2])  execute_tactic state g2 "apply Or.inl" | failure
    let (_, [])  execute_tactic state g2 "assumption" | failure

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:51):

oh you could also do indexes

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:51):

set goals would be cool

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:52):

what is the purpose of passing down the state here if the goals already represent the proof state?

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:52):

you aren't doing any backtracking in this proof but you could use it to do so

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:53):

backtracking meaning applying things that are wrong and then going back to an earlier point in the proof, which is distinct from working on separate subgoals

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:53):

Mario Carneiro said:

backtracking meaning applying things that are wrong and then going back to an earlier point in the proof, which is distinct from working on separate subgoals

do you have an example of backtracking (just in normal lean not TacticM)

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:54):

that would not normally end up in a completed user proof unless they are using try or repeat, but it could certainly appear in a proof search

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:56):

example :  (p q: Prop), p  q  q  p := by
  intro p q h
  cases h
    | apply Or.inl
    | apply Or.inr

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 06:57):

there is backtracking in this proof, because for the first subgoal we will first try apply Or.inl which succeeds but results in an unprovable goal, then assumption which fails, and then first will try the other branch from the original state, doing apply Or.inr and assumption

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:59):

Thanks! That was very helpful

Leni Aniva (May 23 2023 at 06:59):

Also is there anything that I should watch out for if I abandon a proof while inside a TacticM construct to start on another proof?

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 07:01):

Here's the equivalent of that proof using the strings version:

def proof_term_elab: CoreM Unit := do
  start_tactic_state "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p" fun state g => do
    let (state, [g])  execute_tactic state g "intro p q h" | failure
    let (state, [g1, g2])  execute_tactic state g "cases h" | failure
    let tryIt state g := do
        let (state, [g])  execute_tactic state g "apply Or.inl" | failure
        let (state, [])  execute_tactic state g "assumption" | failure
        pure state
      catch _ =>
        let (state, [g])  execute_tactic state g "apply Or.inr" | failure
        let (state, [])  execute_tactic state g "assumption" | failure
        pure state
    let state  tryIt state g1
    let _  tryIt state g2

Mario Carneiro (May 23 2023 at 07:03):

Leni V. Aniva said:

Also is there anything that I should watch out for if I abandon a proof while inside a TacticM construct to start on another proof?

I don't think so

Daniel Donnelly (Oct 25 2023 at 19:39):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC