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Stream: lean4

Topic: Strange error

Arthur Paulino (Nov 27 2021 at 22:20):

I'm writing this function:

private def parse (s : String) : Table := do
  if s.length = 0 then
    ⟨[], [], []⟩
    let data : List String := s.splitOn "¨"
    let mut names : List String := []
    let mut types : List Type := []
    let header : String := data.get! 0
    let headerParts : List String := header.splitOn "~"
    for headerPart in headerParts do
      let split : List String := headerPart.splitOn " "
      names := names.concat (split.get! 0)
      types := types.concat (typesMap (split.get! 1))
    names, types, []⟩

On the line names := names.concat (split.get! 0), it's raising an error:

invalid field notation, type is not of the form (C ...) where C is a constant
has type
  ?m.18868 s

Has anyone seen this?

Kyle Miller (Nov 27 2021 at 22:25):

In Lean 3 at least, that's usually because at the moment it's trying to resolve the dot notation, it does not know the type of the variable (names in this case). This can be due to the order in which it is elaborating expressions.

You can try doing String.concat names (split.get! 0) instead to help it out.

Arthur Paulino (Nov 27 2021 at 22:27):

private def parse (s : String) : Table := do
  if s.length = 0 then
    ⟨[], [], []⟩
    let data : List String := s.splitOn "¨"
    let mut names : List String := []
    let mut types : List Type := []
    let header : String := data.get! 0
    let headerParts : List String := header.splitOn "~"
    for headerPart in headerParts do
      let split : List String := headerPart.splitOn " "
      names := List.concat names (split.get! 0)
      types := types.concat (typesMap (split.get! 1))
    names, types, []⟩

Still a bit weird

application type mismatch
  mk names
has type
  List (?m.19230 s) : Type 1
but is expected to have type
  List String : Type

Kyle Miller (Nov 27 2021 at 22:35):

Hard to say without a #mwe

Kyle Miller (Nov 27 2021 at 22:37):

I'm going to guess that it's because the types list is in a different universe than names.

Arthur Paulino (Nov 27 2021 at 22:38):


Kyle Miller (Nov 27 2021 at 22:38):

You could check this by removing types and seeing if the error goes away, and removing names and doing the same.

Arthur Paulino (Nov 27 2021 at 22:39):

I removed types and it still doesn't work. Then I removed names and it works smoothly

Reid Barton (Nov 27 2021 at 22:39):

It's probably because Table is also in a different universe

Arthur Paulino (Nov 27 2021 at 22:42):

How is this universe change happening? And how can I prevent it from happening?

Kyle Miller (Nov 27 2021 at 22:49):

List String : Type 0
List Type : Type 1

A way to prevent this from happening is to use the suggestion that's come up to use an inductive type (an enum basically) that represents the specific types that can appear in your database.

inductive DType | DNat | DString | DBool

def DType.toType : DType  Type
| DNat => Nat
| DString => String
| DBool => Bool

def DVal : Type := Σ (t : DType), t.toType

example : DVal := DType.DString, "hello"

Then List DType : Type 0.

Reid Barton (Nov 27 2021 at 22:51):

There's nothing you can do with a Type at runtime anyways, so the list Type was kind of useless I think.

Arthur Paulino (Nov 27 2021 at 23:57):

Hm, I will try that. Thanks!

Henrik Böving (Nov 28 2021 at 00:00):

Also if you are writing non trivial parsers you might be interested in the Lean.Data.Parsec module which is a partial copy of Haskells parsec

Arthur Paulino (Nov 28 2021 at 01:15):

It worked! Thanks!
I will improve the parser once I get a first working version

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC