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Stream: lean4
Topic: Strings without "
Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2023 at 09:40):
Dear All,
I would like to have a Try this
that suggests replacing itself with a command.
I am able to get almost all the way there, except that there are some annoying quotations ("
) on the way! Here is a #mwe showing my problems.
import Std.Tactic.TryThis
open Lean Elab Command Term
syntax "writeMe" (ppSpace colGt str) : command
elab_rules : command
| `(command| writeMe $text:str) => liftTermElabM do
let stx ← getRef
let str ← elabTerm text none
Std.Tactic.TryThis.addTermSuggestion stx str (origSpan? := stx)
writeMe "hello" -- Try this: "hello"
These are the two issues that I am trying to solve.
Can the
Try this:
suggestion not print the quotations? I would like
Try this: hello
instead ofTry this: "hello"
Can the input not have the quotations? I would like to type
writeMe hello
and getTry this: hello
as a suggestion.
The strings that I am going to input will not contain any spaces, if that is relevant in any way.
A related thread but I would really like to have no syntax at all to introduce the strings.
Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2023 at 09:59):
To un #xy, I would like to achieve the following. When I want to add an import, I copy the relative path and I paste it. A code action suggests import [pasted code with `/` replaced by `.` and `.lean` removed]
Currently, I can make this work:
Mathlib/"Data/Nat/Basic.lean" -- Try this: "import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"
but I would like to not have to put in the double quotes in the input and then remove them from the output.
Scott Morrison (Sep 09 2023 at 10:04):
std4#215 might be helpful. It adds support for plain string suggestions (i.e. which not-already-parsed Syntax).
Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2023 at 10:12):
Scott, thanks! I'll take a look! From a very superficial glance at the description and the examples, this seems like it might address the Try this
quotes. Of the two issues, I view this as the main one!
Endor H (Sep 09 2023 at 10:58):
If you want the input to not have the quotations you'll need to declare syntax for it, there's no way around that.
In your specific case you could define an importPath
parser that takes slash-separated paths.
Regarding the output, one way to trick the TryThis
tactic is declaring your own output syntax category with the syntax you want, though it's kind of a hack:
import Std.Tactic.TryThis
open Lean Elab Command Term PrettyPrinter Delaborator
namespace WriteMe
-- Unfortunately, the `.lean` part is not useful, since the `ident` parser is greedy
syntax importPath := sepBy1(ident, "/") (noWs ".lean")?
syntax "writeMe" (ppSpace colGt importPath) : command
declare_syntax_cat write_me_output_stx
syntax "import " ident : write_me_output_stx
elab_rules : command
| `(command| writeMe $[$parts]/*$[.lean]?) => liftTermElabM do
let strParts := parts.map λs =>
let s := s.getId.toString (escape := false)
-- Remove the `.lean` suffix if any
if s.endsWith ".lean" then s.dropRight 5 else s
-- Concat the path parts with dots into a `Name`
let name := strParts.foldl (fun (name : Name) part => name.str part) `Mathlib
let stx ← getRef
let replacement ← `(write_me_output_stx| import $(mkIdent name))
Std.Tactic.TryThis.addSuggestion stx replacement (origSpan? := stx)
end WriteMe
writeMe Data/Nat/Basic.lean -- Try this: import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic
Note that in the example I'm folding the parts into a Name
directly, with Mathlib
as the root, not into a string, since what you want to produce is actually a name in this case.
Endor H (Sep 09 2023 at 10:58):
Still, I agree this would be easier if the TryThis
widget supported plain string suggestions.
Endor H (Sep 09 2023 at 11:00):
A more general workaround would be having a raw
syntax category that accepted anything, but you'd probably need to declare a parser, a pretty printer, and maybe an elaborator/delaborator for it
Endor H (Sep 09 2023 at 11:00):
I'm not sure if anything like that already exists
Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2023 at 11:06):
I'm on mobile now, but thanks for the suggestions!
I had thought that maybe I could use Mathlib/
and .lean
as markers for quoting the string. As for the conversion, I am using docs#Lean.moduleOfFileName to also make sure that the path exists. But these are details! I'll try out your suggestions!
Endor H (Sep 09 2023 at 11:17):
To have custom delimiters for a string you'd probably need a custom parser, similar to the idea of having a custom raw
syntax category.
Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2023 at 11:19):
Honestly, I'm way beyond what I understand of parsing, but the thread linked to earlier already has a trick for that, I think.
Endor H (Sep 09 2023 at 11:22):
Hmm, I'm afraid the trick from that thread only works because what's between the delimiters is always an identifier, so it can use the identifier parser.
Honestly, I've only ever made a custom parser once, and it was quite an ordeal.
Endor H (Sep 09 2023 at 11:23):
I basically copied what's done in Lean.Parser.Basic.lean
and Lean.Parser.Extra.lean
where the built-in parsers are declared.
Maybe there's an easier way, but I wouldn't recommend unless necessary :laughing:
Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2023 at 12:12):
When I have something working, I'll post it here.
Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2023 at 12:12):
Thank you very much for your help! From what I can see on my phone, your approach basically should work for me! I might simply change a couple of details.
Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2023 at 15:27):
I have now what I wanted: a very tiny modification of @Endor H's suggestion: thank you very much!
import Std.Tactic.TryThis
open Lean Elab Command
namespace importMe
syntax importPath := sepBy1(ident, "/")
syntax "Mathlib" "/" (ppSpace colGt importPath) : command
declare_syntax_cat write_me_output_stx
syntax "import " ident : write_me_output_stx
def toSuggestion (root : String) (parts : Array (TSyntax `ident)) :
TermElabM (TSyntax `write_me_output_stx) := do
let strParts := parts.map fun s ↦ s.getId.toString (escape := false)
-- Rebuild the path and interpret it as a `System.FilePath`.
let path : System.FilePath := root ++ "/" ++ String.intercalate "/" strParts.toList
let impS ← Lean.moduleNameOfFileName path none
`(write_me_output_stx| import $(mkIdent impS))
elab_rules : command
| `(command| Mathlib/ $[$parts]/*) => liftTermElabM do
let stx ← getRef
let replacement ← toSuggestion "Mathlib" parts
Std.Tactic.TryThis.addSuggestion stx replacement (origSpan? := stx)
end importMe
Mathlib/Data/Nat/Basic.lean -- Try this: import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic
no such file or directory (error code: 2)
file: Mathlib/Not/A/Path.lean
Patrick Massot (Sep 09 2023 at 15:58):
Scott Morrison said:
std4#215 might be helpful. It adds support for plain string suggestions (i.e. which not-already-parsed Syntax).
This is great! However it now has a merge conflict.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC