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Stream: lean4
Topic: Structural induction for nested inductive types
Parth Shastri (Nov 22 2022 at 00:26):
Is there a way to express structurally inductive functions without manually using rec
In the following example, Lean is unable to show termination for not
and size
. I'm not sure what else I could potentially write instead of map
and foldr
inductive Tree
| leaf : Bool → Tree
| node : List Tree → Tree
def Tree.not : Tree → Tree
| leaf b => leaf !b
| node l => node (l.map not)
def Tree.size : Tree → Nat
| leaf _ => 1
| node l => l.foldr (λ t n => size t + n) 0
My current workaround for this is fairly verbose as it has to deal with the fact that rec
is noncomputable by default.
namespace Tree
{motive₁ : Tree → Sort u}
{motive₂ : List Tree → Sort u}
(leaf : ∀ b, motive₁ (leaf b))
(node : ∀ l, motive₂ l → motive₁ (node l))
(nil : motive₂ .nil)
(cons : ∀ head tail, motive₁ head → motive₂ tail → motive₂ (head :: tail))
private def rec' : ∀ t, motive₁ t
| .leaf b => leaf b
| .node l => node l (rec_1' l)
private def rec_1' : ∀ l, motive₂ l
| .nil => nil
| .cons head tail => cons head tail (rec' head) (rec_1' tail)
private theorem rec_ : ∀ t, rec leaf node nil cons t = rec' leaf node nil cons t
| .leaf b => by unfold rec'; rfl
| .node l => by unfold rec'; exact congrArg (node l) (rec_1_ l)
private theorem rec_1_ : ∀ l, rec_1 leaf node nil cons l = rec_1' leaf node nil cons l
| .nil => by unfold rec_1'; rfl
| .cons head tail => by unfold rec_1'; exact congr (congrArg (cons head tail) (rec_ head)) (rec_1_ tail)
private theorem rec_eq_rec' : @rec = @rec' := by
funext motive₁ motive₂ leaf node nil cons t
apply rec_
private theorem rec_1_eq_rec_1' : @rec_1 = @rec_1' := by
funext motive₁ motive₂ leaf node nil cons t
apply rec_1_
end Tree
def Tree.not : Tree → Tree := rec
(λ b => leaf !b)
(λ _ => node)
(λ _ _ => .cons)
def Tree.size : Tree → Nat := rec
(λ _ => 1)
(λ _ n => n)
(λ _ _ => .add)
Jannis Limperg (Nov 22 2022 at 09:46):
Use well-founded recursion (terminating_by
and decreasing_by
; I think there should be docs in the manual). Lean doesn't do structural recursion for nested inductive types.
Parth Shastri (Nov 30 2022 at 00:39):
For anyone else that runs into this, the solution is to copy the definitions of map
and foldr
def Tree.not : Tree → Tree
| leaf b => leaf !b
| node l => node (map_not l)
| [] => []
| t :: l => not t :: map_not l
def Tree.size : Tree → Nat
| leaf _ => 1
| node l => foldr_size l
| [] => 0
| t :: l => size t + foldr_size l
James Gallicchio (Nov 30 2022 at 00:53):
Just to be clear, copying the List stuff is exactly what Lean is doing to compile the nested inductive in the first place :P but it would be nice if Lean had a computable, autogenerated rec for nested inductives for exactly this reason
James Gallicchio (Nov 30 2022 at 00:54):
(I assume this is one of the things on the dev list for after the new code generator is done)
Sebastian Ullrich (Nov 30 2022 at 08:52):
What surface-level recursion syntax is accepted is basically completely orthogonal to what it's compiled down to. The above code follows the structure of the underlying mutual inductive types, but it's still compiled down to well-founded recursion as there is no elaboration support for mutual structural recursion either. So whether there is a computable recursor does not directly impact what Lean accepts.
Sebastian Ullrich (Nov 30 2022 at 08:59):
A different solution to mutual recursion is to use dependently typed versions of map
etc. that come with a proof that the element is part of the list, which can be used to prove well-founded recursion automatically. One idea for making the initial code just work is to have the WF elaborator do such function substitutions automatically.
Logan Murphy (Mar 10 2023 at 17:02):
I'm trying to show termination for functions on a similar rosetree type to Parth's. I'm trying to figure out how I'm meant to use termination_by
and decreasing_by
. I get the motivation behind them, but it seems like I'm misunderstanding how to use them in practice
import Mathlib
inductive Tree (α : Type u)
| node : α → List (Tree α) → Tree α
variable {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
namespace Tree
def subtrees : Tree α → List (Tree α)
| Tree.node _ l => l
def root : Tree α → α
| Tree.node x _ => x
end Tree
def treeSize : Tree α → Nat
| Tree.node _ l => forestSize l + 1
def forestSize : List (Tree α) → Nat
| [] => 0
| t :: l => treeSize t + forestSize l
treeSize t => sizeOf t
forestSize l => sizeOf l
-- I assume this would be useful, but I'm not sure *how* I would use it
theorem tree_gt_subtrees : (t : Tree α) → forestSize t.subtrees < treeSize t
| Tree.node x l =>
rw [treeSize, Tree.subtrees]
cases l with
| nil => rw [forestSize, zero_add, Nat.lt_one_iff]
| cons h t => rw [forestSize, lt_add_iff_pos_right, Nat.lt_succ]
def treeMap (f : α → β) : Tree α → Tree β
| Tree.node x l =>
Tree.node (f x) (l.map (treeMap f))
-- I think this suggests to Lean to use the wf relation Nat.lt on treeSize?
treeMap _ t => treeSize t
-- show that treeSize actually decreases?
-- α: Type u
-- a✝¹a✝: Tree α
-- ⊢ treeSize a✝ < treeSize a✝¹
The goal I'm left with in decreasing_by
doesn't seem to make sense -- any sense of what am I doing wrong here?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC