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Stream: lean4

Topic: Syntax declaration causes parsing error

Yicheng Qian (Sep 01 2023 at 20:51):

How can we define a custom syntax containing an identifier prefix while not causing parsing problems? For example, if I define

syntax foo := "foo"
syntax (name := bar) "bar" foo : tactic


#check (fun (foo : Nat) => foo)

produces error "expected ')' or term". Is there any way to fix this?

Mario Carneiro (Sep 01 2023 at 20:53):

does using &"foo" work?

Yicheng Qian (Sep 01 2023 at 20:53):

Oh it works!

Mario Carneiro (Sep 01 2023 at 20:53):

it should work in this case, but I don't know whether the real example is more complex

Yicheng Qian (Sep 01 2023 at 20:54):

What does & stand for?

Mario Carneiro (Sep 01 2023 at 20:54):

nonReservedToken instead of token

Yicheng Qian (Sep 01 2023 at 20:54):

Ok, it also works in the real example.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 01 2023 at 20:55):

the limitation of nonReservedToken is that it will not be differentiated from an ident in the same position

Yicheng Qian (Sep 01 2023 at 21:00):

Ok, I see. If a token is reserved then it cannot be ident, but if it's not reserved, then the corresponding string can represent either the token or an ident.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC