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Stream: lean4
Topic: Tactic simp term order
Yicheng Qian (Aug 21 2022 at 08:54):
What order does simp
use to compare terms? For example,
set_option pp.all true
theorem sdf : Nat.add (Nat.add a b) c = Nat.add (Nat.add b c) a := by
/- => @Eq.{1} Nat
(@HAdd.hAdd.{0, 0, 0} Nat Nat Nat (@instHAdd.{0} Nat instAddNat)
(@HAdd.hAdd.{0, 0, 0} Nat Nat Nat (@instHAdd.{0} Nat instAddNat) a b) c)
(@HAdd.hAdd.{0, 0, 0} Nat Nat Nat (@instHAdd.{0} Nat instAddNat)
(@HAdd.hAdd.{0, 0, 0} Nat Nat Nat (@instHAdd.{0} Nat instAddNat) b c) a)
why will it consider @HAdd.hAdd.{0, 0, 0} Nat Nat Nat (@instHAdd.{0} Nat instAddNat
, which is a non-whnf, to be simpler than Nat.add
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Yicheng Qian (Aug 21 2022 at 09:07):
This makes me worried because I think that in some cases this will make the tactic rw
fail to work. Consider this example
structure Semigroup where
carrier : Type u
mul : carrier → carrier → carrier
mul_assoc (a b c : carrier) : mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c)
instance (S : Semigroup) : Mul S.carrier where
mul a b := S.mul a b
instance : CoeSort Semigroup (Type u) where
coe S := S.carrier
structure Morphism (S1 S2 : Semigroup) where
mor : S1 → S2
resp_mul : ∀ a b : S1, mor (a * b) = (mor a) * (mor b)
instance : CoeFun (Morphism S1 S2) (fun _ => S1 -> S2) where
coe f := f.mor
To prove the following theorem, the simplest way seems to involve unfolding of HMul.hMul
and Mul.mul
(I consier this necessary because otherwise rw [S2.mul_assoc]
won't work)
example {S1 S2 : Semigroup} (f : Morphism S1 S2) (a : S1) :
f ((a * a) * (a * a)) = f a * ((f a * f a) * f a) := by
simp [f.resp_mul]; simp [HMul.hMul, Mul.mul]; simp [S2.mul_assoc]
Yicheng Qian (Aug 21 2022 at 09:09):
If we refuse to unfold HMul.hMul
and Mul.mul
, then the simplest way I can come up with is to enter the conversion tactic mode
example {S1 S2 : Semigroup} (f : Morphism S1 S2) (a : S1) :
f ((a * a) * (a * a)) = f a * ((f a * f a) * f a) :=
f ((a * a) * (a * a)) = f (a * a) * f (a * a) := by rw [f.resp_mul]
_ = (f a * f a) * (f a * f a) := by rw [f.resp_mul]
_ = S2.2 (S2.2 (f a) (f a)) (S2.2 (f a) (f a)) :=
by conv =>
lhs; whnf
args whnf whnf
_ = S2.2 (f a) (S2.2 (S2.2 (f a) (f a)) (f a)) := by simp [S2.mul_assoc]
Mario Carneiro (Aug 21 2022 at 18:42):
The direction of simp rewrites is a library design question. We generally prefer a + b
over Nat.add a b
because the former will have more theorems about it: for example we would have an associativity theorem add_assoc
which applies to any additive semigroup rather than just Nat
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC