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Stream: lean4

Topic: Tactic state filtering

Patrick Massot (Oct 03 2021 at 13:40):

I don't know the current status of widgets in Lean 4 but I have a question: is there a plan to make tactic state filtering permanent? In Lean 3 it seems to be a non-trivial task is the main reason why I still use plain text tactic states from time to time.

Gabriel Ebner (Oct 03 2021 at 13:49):

Widgets work today. Both the neovim and vscode extensions have PRs for widget support: https://github.com/leanprover/vscode-lean4/pull/37 https://github.com/Julian/lean.nvim/pull/123
Please help with testing if you have time!

Gabriel Ebner (Oct 03 2021 at 13:50):

Tactic state filtering is I believe still a todo in the vscode extension, but it is even easier to implement now than with the text-based tactic states.

Gabriel Ebner (Oct 03 2021 at 14:03):

Wojciech did a great job with the RPC API here. On the editor side we now have a nice data structure for the hypotheses containing the name etc. Gone are the days of string parsing using regexps! We could also add additional metadata to the hypotheses (e.g. whether they are typeclass instances or whether they have the [] binder or whether they are types, etc.) to provide even better filtering.

Patrick Massot (Oct 03 2021 at 14:07):

Testing this is very tempting but the whole procedure is daunting.

Gabriel Ebner (Oct 03 2021 at 14:09):

Is there anything we can do to make it easier to try out the PR?

Patrick Massot (Oct 03 2021 at 14:20):

Do we have a nice document explaining how to install everything from scratch (including Lean 4 and mathlib4)?

Scott Morrison (Oct 04 2021 at 03:58):

We do not have such a document. I can try to start writing it. Hopefully the essence for now is:

  1. Install VSCode
  2. Install the lean4 extension to VSCode
  3. Install elan
  4. Clone mathlib4
  5. Open mathlib4 in VSCode

Scott Morrison (Oct 04 2021 at 03:59):

Neither lake nor mathport are quite ready for usage by people who want "nice documents" explaining installation. :-) But hopefully very soon.

Scott Morrison (Oct 04 2021 at 04:00):

And the whole "pre-compiled oleans" infrastructure doesn't yet exist.

Scott Morrison (Oct 04 2021 at 07:26):

@Patrick Massot, on a bare Ubuntu machine the following works:

#! /bin/bash

sudo apt install -y git curl

# The following test is needed in case VScode was installed by other
# means (e.g. using Ubuntu snap)
if ! which code; then
  wget -O code.deb https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=760868
  sudo apt install -y ./code.deb
  rm code.deb

code --install-extension leanprover.lean4

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover/elan/master/elan-init.sh
bash elan-init.sh -y
rm elan-init.sh
. ~/.profile

git clone https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4
cd mathlib4
leanpkg build
code .

Patrick Massot (Oct 04 2021 at 07:37):

Thanks Scott, I'll try this in the afternoon (I need to go and teach now).

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC