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Stream: lean4

Topic: Term goal and local context query request s.p.e.p. (Pre-RFC)

Gabriel Ebner (May 28 2021 at 16:24):

Term goal and local context query request server protocol extension proposal (Pre-RFC)


Tactic proofs are easy to follow because you can step through them line by line and watch how the tactic state changes. Lean 3.15 therefore extended this feature to term-mode proofs. With this change, Lean also shows for every subterm a tactic state, printing the local context and the expected type.

This feature makes it easy to understand term-mode proofs since you can now step through them just like a tactic proof. It is also useful when reading code, since it tells you the names and types of local variables.


In analogy to the $/lean/plainGoal request, we add a $/lean/plainTermGoal request, returning a pretty-printed goal state consisting of the local context and the expected type at the given position.

interface PlainTermGoalParams extends TextDocumentPositionParams {}

interface PlainTermGoal {
  goal: string;

In the editor, the term goal state would be shown separately and below of the tactic state. (This is sometimes a bit confusing in Lean 3, when the term goal was shown instead of the tactic state.)

Sebastian Ullrich (May 28 2021 at 17:15):

I see, showing the term goal in addition to and after the tactic goal should address the concerns I had about this feature. For example, didn't test this in Lean 3, but we probably still want to look at the tactic goal when placing the cursor on rw [h hp]

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC