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Stream: lean4

Topic: Type max

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:36):

I just noticed that Lean 4 displays Type (max (max (max (max u_1 u_3) u_4) u_6) 0) where Lean 3 displayed Type (max u_1 u_3 u_4 u_6). Is this simply a missing delaborator? The max with zero looks suspicious. Was is already there in Lean 3 but not displayed?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:38):

no, the normalization changed

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:38):

which is to say, it doesn't normalize as eagerly as it used to

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:40):

you can see that it still uses the same display for right associative max, but it doesn't actually right associate unsolicited:

universe a b c d
#check Type max (max a b) (max c d)
-- Type (max (max a b) c d) : Type ((max (max a b) c d) + 1)

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:41):

the universe inference mechanism is more likely to generate left associated max expressions too, so you get those towers of maxes

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:43):

Ok thanks. Unfortunately none of this directly explain why Lean 4 can't understand universes in the sphere eversion project.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:44):

no, it's probably just obfuscating things a bit

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:45):

I have

#check HtpyFormalSol (RelMfld.localize p.φ p.ψ R) -- Type (max (max u₁ u₄) 0)

def RelLoc.HtpyFormalSol.unloc : HtpyFormalSol (RelMfld.localize p.φ p.ψ R) :=

and the def complains about

stuck at solving universe constraint
  max (max (max u₁ u₃) u₄) u₆ =?= max ?u.114816 ?u.114817
while trying to unify
  Set : Type (max (max (max u₆ u₄) u₃) u₁)  Type (max (max (max u₆ u₄) u₃) u₁)
  Set.{max ?u.114816 ?u.114817} : Type (max ?u.114816 ?u.114817)  Type (max ?u.114816 ?u.114817)

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:45):

It seems crazy that the check understands universe but not the def.

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:46):

I know this isn't the first message on Zulip about Lean being stuck at a problem such as max (max (max u₁ u₃) u₄) u₆ =?= max ?u.114816 ?u.114817, but are we getting anywhere closer to a solution?

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:48):

Of course I could replace all Type* in the project with Type without loosing any application, but somehow I've been trained not to do this.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:48):

There is no Set in the example?

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:49):

def RelMfld := Set (OneJetBundle I M I' M')

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:49):

What do the variables look like?

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:50):

The variables look like we are in the differential geometry corner of Mathlib:

variable {E : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace  E] {H : Type _} [TopologicalSpace H]
  (I : ModelWithCorners  E H) (M : Type _) [TopologicalSpace M] [ChartedSpace H M]
  [SmoothManifoldWithCorners I M] {E' : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup E'] [NormedSpace  E']
  {H' : Type _} [TopologicalSpace H'] (I' : ModelWithCorners  E' H') (M' : Type _)
  [TopologicalSpace M'] [ChartedSpace H' M'] [SmoothManifoldWithCorners I' M'] {F : Type _}
  [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace  F] {G : Type _} [TopologicalSpace G]
  (J : ModelWithCorners  F G) (N : Type _) [TopologicalSpace N] [ChartedSpace G N]
  [SmoothManifoldWithCorners J N] {F' : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup F'] [NormedSpace  F']
  {G' : Type _} [TopologicalSpace G'] (J' : ModelWithCorners  F' G') (N' : Type _)
  [TopologicalSpace N'] [ChartedSpace G' N'] [SmoothManifoldWithCorners J' N'] {EP : Type _}
  [NormedAddCommGroup EP] [NormedSpace  EP] {HP : Type _} [TopologicalSpace HP]
  (IP : ModelWithCorners  EP HP) (P : Type _) [TopologicalSpace P] [ChartedSpace HP P]
  [SmoothManifoldWithCorners IP P] {EX : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup EX] [NormedSpace  EX]
  {HX : Type _} [TopologicalSpace HX] {IX : ModelWithCorners  EX HX}
  {R : RelMfld I M I' M'}

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:50):

what is the type of HtpyFormalSol?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:50):

wow that's a lot

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:50):

Sorry, I copy-pasted from the wrong file

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:50):

variable {E : Type u₁} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace  E]
  {H : Type u₂} [TopologicalSpace H]
  (I : ModelWithCorners  E H) (M : Type u₃) [TopologicalSpace M] [ChartedSpace H M]
  [SmoothManifoldWithCorners I M]
  {E' : Type u₄} [NormedAddCommGroup E'] [NormedSpace  E']
  {H' : Type u₅} [TopologicalSpace H'] (I' : ModelWithCorners  E' H')
  (M' : Type u₆) [MetricSpace M']
  [ChartedSpace H' M'] [SmoothManifoldWithCorners I' M'] {R : RelMfld I M I' M'}

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:51):

I added explicit universe variables in a desperate attempt to please the universe checker.

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:52):

Mario Carneiro said:

wow that's a lot

That's a typical variable command in the sphere eversion end-game.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:52):

that's not where you need the universes, you need them in HtpyFormalSol, hence the question

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:52):

HtpyFormalSol.{u_1, u_2, u_3, u_4, u_5, u_6} {E : Type u_1} [NormedAddCommGroup E]
  [NormedSpace  E] {H : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace H]
  {I : ModelWithCorners  E H} {M : Type u_3} [TopologicalSpace M]
  [ChartedSpace H M] [SmoothManifoldWithCorners I M] {E' : Type u_4}
  [NormedAddCommGroup E'] [NormedSpace  E'] {H' : Type u_5}
  [TopologicalSpace H'] {I' : ModelWithCorners  E' H'}
  {M' : Type u_6} [TopologicalSpace M'] [ChartedSpace H' M']
  [SmoothManifoldWithCorners I' M'] (R : RelMfld I M I' M') :
Type (max (max (max (max u_1 u_3) u_4) u_6) 0)

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:54):

Sorry about all the edits, I tried to get it to fit on a Zulip code block.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:56):

Does it help if you make RelMfld a def?

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:57):

It is already a def.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:57):

not reducible

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 02:57):

It wasn't reducible in Lean 3, but I had to make it reducible to please Lean 4 which is more strict with defeq abuse.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:57):

or maybe make RelMFld' which is a def wrapper around RelMfld and make HtpyFormalSol take it as an argument

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:58):

to minimize other breakage

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 02:59):

is OneJetBundle also reducible?

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:00):

Maybe I should say that

abbrev HtpyFormalSol (R : RelMfld I M I' M') :=
  FamilyFormalSol 𝓘(, )  R

where FamilyFormalSol is a serious definition in the sense that it is parametrized by 9 universe levels.

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:00):

And yes, OneJetBundle is also reducible:

def OneJetBundle :=
  TotalSpace (E L[𝕜] E') (OneJetSpace I I' : M × M'  Type _)

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:01):

oh no

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:01):

how many of these definitions did you make reducible?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:02):

Surely this file is intolerable to compile

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:02):

Many. At some point during the ongoing port it seemed to be the solution to all issues.

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:03):

Mario Carneiro said:

Surely this file is intolerable to compile

No, it isn't particularly slow.

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:03):

Actually in that folder there are only three reducible definitions and two abbreviations.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:04):

I think what is happening is that RelMfld I M I' M' =?= RelMfld ?I ?M ?I' ?M' doesn't actually imply I =?= ?I, M =?= ?M etc because one of these reducible definitions doesn't actually use the variable

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:05):

which then makes it useless as a way of inferring the implicit arguments

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:05):

Try passing in these variables explicitly, what is the type of RelMfld.localize p.φ p.ψ R?

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:06):

RelMfld.localize p.φ p.ψ R : RelMfld 𝓘(, E) E 𝓘(, E') E'

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:07):

so maybe

def RelLoc.HtpyFormalSol.unloc : HtpyFormalSol (I := 𝓘(, E)) (M := E) (I' := 𝓘(, E')) (M' := E') (RelMfld.localize p.φ p.ψ R) :=

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:08):

That doesn't help. I think you would waste less time by checking out the lean4 branch of https://github.com/leanprover-community/sphere-eversion

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:08):

I think I would waste quite a bit more time doing that :D

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:09):

it's a lean 3 project?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:10):

oh the branch is just called lean4

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:10):

The master branch is on Lean 3.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:17):


def RelLoc.HtpyFormalSol.unloc := sorry

is already giving the universe constraint error

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:17):


Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:17):

which means the issue is in the variable declarations

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:18):

But why do the #check work then?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:18):

there is a red squiggle on the R on L154

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:18):

because #check doesn't require all pending universe problems to be solved, it shows things with metavariables

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:18):

If you #exit before the def then there is no squiggle.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:19):

that's because variable elaboration is borked

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:20):

Actually Lean seems confused by the fact that HtpyFormalSol exist in two different namespaces (with different meaning).

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:21):

oh wait, def foo := sorry doesn't work period

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:21):

You can get rid of the variable line error by replacing it by variable (F : _root_.HtpyFormalSol R)

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:22):

This is wild.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:23):

Aha, it's an ambiguous reference which was waiting for type information, and this is screwing up the rest of the inference

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:23):

What do you call "the rest of the inference" in def foo := sorry?

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:23):

Ok, def foo : Nat := sorry does work

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:23):

def foo := sorry just doesn't work at all, that was a false alarm

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:24):

it complains because it doesn't know what universe the definition lives in or something

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:24):

Oh I see, def foo := sorry doesn't work in an empty Lean file.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:24):

I think it should be made to work, but whatever

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:25):

But putting _root_.HtpyFormalSol everywhere seems to work.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:26):

Oh I see, this is even more wild than I thought: the HtpyFormalSol on the variable line is not ambiguous, but in the context of nonrec def RelLoc.HtpyFormalSol.unloc because this def is in the RelLoc namespace now it considers the other definition as in scope

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:26):

that's what hygiene was supposed to save us from

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:27):

By the way, the nonrec is irrelevant, it's an habit I got when facing the weirdest errors in Lean 4: try addiing a nonrec in front of def, just in case Lean gets confused by names.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:28):

sadly it wasn't enough to save us from this issue :(

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:28):

Exactly, but it was in the right direction somehow.

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:31):

Thank you very much Mario. I'll try to minimize this and open a Lean 4 issue.

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:32):

Well, minimizing wasn't hard:

def Foo.Bar : Nat  Nat := id

def Bar : Nat := 3

def Foo.Baz : Nat := Bar + 2

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:33):

failed to synthesize instance
  HAdd (Nat  Nat) Nat Nat

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 03:39):

I opened lean4#2844.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2023 at 03:47):

that one is expected, as I just wrote on the issue

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2023 at 08:38):

Yeah this is normal, and it's a great feature once you've got over being bitten by it several times

Patrick Massot (Nov 08 2023 at 14:17):

I put a new example in the Lean 4 issue.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC