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Stream: lean4

Topic: Understanding `nomatch`

Abdalrhman M Mohamed (Feb 18 2022 at 01:06):

I am currently trying to formalize STLC in Lean 4. One of the first theorems I would like to prove is that λx:A. x x:AB \vdash \lambda x : A.\ x \ x : A \rightarrow B is not derivable for any types A A and B B . Here is a mwe:

namespace STLC

abbrev Var := Char

inductive type where
  | base  : type
  | arrow : type  type  type

inductive term where
  | var : Var  term
  | lam : Var  type  term  term
  | app : term  term  term

def ctx := List (Var × type)

open type term in
inductive typing : ctx  term  type  Prop where
  | var  : typing ((x, A) :: Γ) (var x) A -- simplified
  | arri : typing ((x, A) :: Γ) M B  typing Γ (lam x A M) (arrow A B)
  | arre : typing Γ M (arrow A B)  typing Γ N A  typing Γ (app M N) B

open type term in
theorem no_δ : ¬  A B, typing nil (lam x A (app (var x) (var x))) (arrow A B) :=
  fun h => match h with
  | Exists.intro A (Exists.intro B h) => match h with
    | typing.arri h => match h with
      | typing.arre (A := T) h₁ h₂ => match h₂ with
        | typing.var => nomatch h₁

namespace STLC

In the last line, h1 h_1 has type typing ((x, A) :: nil) (var x) (arrow A B) which should not be derivable from the typing rules. However, it looks like I am missing something as Lean complains about my use of nomatch and says that I did not account for the typing.var case. But that rule should not be applicable because AAB A \ne A \rightarrow B . Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Leonardo de Moura (Feb 18 2022 at 01:58):

Thanks for reporting the problem. I created an issue: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/1022
The occurs check test is missing in our dependent eliminator, we will add it as soon as possible.

Trebor Huang (Feb 18 2022 at 06:58):

By the way, even without the occurs check, you can manually prove that by recursing on AA.

Abdalrhman M Mohamed (Feb 18 2022 at 15:35):

By "manually prove that by recursing on A A ", do you mean no_δ or A ≠ arrow A B? If you're talking about the latter, then yes. It's possible to manually prove it. But how does that help me prove no_δ? I don't have an assumption of the form A = arrow A B in my context there...

Trebor Huang (Feb 18 2022 at 17:32):

I mean the latter. But then you can get that assumption by requiring Lean to generate an equation (which I honestly don't know how in Lean 4). Even if Lean can't do it, you can still generate it manually by strengthening the induction hypothesis, by a technique called Fording.

Leonardo de Moura (Feb 27 2022 at 18:04):

Leonardo de Moura said:

Thanks for reporting the problem. I created an issue: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/1022
The occurs check test is missing in our dependent eliminator, we will add it as soon as possible.

Pushed a fix for this.

Leonardo de Moura (Feb 27 2022 at 18:05):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC