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Stream: lean4
Topic: Understanding outParam
Tomas Skrivan (Jan 26 2022 at 21:19):
I'm really confused on what outParam
is actually doing. To my limited understanding, you can use it to prevent for example an instance to be polymorphic in certain argument.
I would like to understand the following code that runs into an infinite loop exactly because of outParam
class Vec (X : Type u)
structure ℝ where
value : Float
instance : Vec ℝ := sorry
instance {X : Type u} {Y : Type v} [Vec X] [Vec Y] : Vec (X × Y) := sorry
class SemiHilbert (X) (R : outParam $ Type u) [outParam $ Vec R] extends Vec X
instance (X R) [Vec R] [SemiHilbert X R] (ι : Type v) : SemiHilbert (ι → X) R := sorry
instance : SemiHilbert ℝ ℝ := sorry
set_option synthInstance.maxHeartbeats 15 in
set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true in
example : SemiHilbert (Fin n → ℝ) ℝ := by infer_instance
It works fine if you change (R : outParam $ Type u)
to (R : Type u)
in the definition of SemiHilbert
What I do not understand is why the last subgoal
[Meta.synthInstance.newSubgoal] Vec _tc.0
causes TC to going into an insane infinite loop producing longer and longer instances of Vec (ℝ × ... × ℝ)
Chris B (Jan 27 2022 at 15:05):
I don't mean this to sound flippant ("read the manual"), but there is a small section in there which is the best description I've found of what it actually does (adjusts the starting point for TC synthesis). https://leanprover.github.io/lean4/doc/typeclass.html?highlight=outParam#output-parameters.
Tomas Skrivan (Jan 27 2022 at 19:53):
Yes to that extent as described there I understand it, but I'm utterly confused what is Lean trying to do in the code I have posted.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC