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Stream: lean4

Topic: Unknown introduced variables

Abdalrhman M Mohamed (Nov 27 2021 at 23:24):

I am working on an smt tactic for Lean 4 and I am getting an error when I call inferType on variables introduced by the intro tactic. Here is an isolated example:

import Lean

open Lean.Meta
open Lean.Elab
open Lean.Elab.Tactic

syntax (name := test) "test" : tactic

@[tactic test] def evalTest : Tactic := fun _ => do
  let g  Tactic.getMainTarget
  let x := g.appFn!.appArg!.appArg!
  logInfo m!"goal := {g}, x := {x}"
  let xt  inferType x
  logInfo m!"xt := {xt}"

theorem zero_sub :  x : Nat, 0 - x = 0 := by
  intro x
  induction x <;> simp_all [Nat.sub_succ]

For this example, I get the error: unknown free variable '_uniq.577'. Does anyone know how to resolve this error?

Sebastian Ullrich (Nov 28 2021 at 09:44):

Take a look at the function defined right below getMainTarget :) . withMainContext is normally used via liftMetaTactic, which splits the tactic implementation into a TacticM and a MetaM part. See the stdlib tactics for many examples.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC