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Stream: lean4

Topic: VS Code + Latex input usability

Tom (Aug 07 2022 at 00:50):

Just a note on VSCode - there is a small extension that I've used for a while: latex-input. It allows one to insert one-off latex characters while coding.

I've mostly used this for documentation with other languages but it's even nicer with Lean because once you type \, it will help with autocompletion. I find it complementary to the the "Lean 4: Show All Abbreviations" command/help.

Perhaps others will find it useful, too.

Siddhartha Gadgil (Aug 07 2022 at 05:20):

Thanks for this. When making slides, blogs etc for lean I keep copying code from lean but I can now just type the LaTeX.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC