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Stream: lean4

Topic: VS Code extension, pause typechecking

Kyle Miller (Apr 18 2023 at 00:27):

Sometimes I don't want continuous typechecking, and my ideal interface would be to have some keybinding to trigger typechecking for the current file (maybe up to the current cursor position, or up to the next command after the current cursor position). Especially on a laptop, this can save battery life and help the editor UI be more responsive. Continuous typechecking can also seem to cause the server to use a whole lot of memory, especially when you're editing a large function with many match cases.

I've looked through the settings and Lean 4 commands, but I haven't seen anything that would at least let you pause typechecking. Is there anything like this? I'd rather not have to stop and start the server if possible.

Kyle Miller (Apr 18 2023 at 00:32):

I often use Gitpod as well for editing Lean 4, and I've noticed that continuous typechecking can make it almost impossible to do expansions due to how much stuff is happening on-screen after every keypress. I usually have to add an #exit nearby just to keep things calm enough to the expansion system actually detect that I've typed \to or whatever.

Scott Morrison (Apr 18 2023 at 03:12):

I would love this too!

Scott Morrison (Apr 18 2023 at 03:12):

Even more importantly, I really want VS Code to not start creating oleans for other files unless I explicitly hit cmd-R.

Newell Jensen (Apr 18 2023 at 03:15):

Something that would be nice is to have Lean syntax that would not type check certain sections.

section no_check or something along those lines. That way, for larger files where you don't want to comment out sections of code just to have things run faster you could just use that. I don't think this is currently available correct?

Newell Jensen (Apr 18 2023 at 03:17):

This would be more for user development at least.

Reid Barton (Apr 18 2023 at 05:27):

Newell Jensen said:

Something that would be nice is to have Lean syntax that would not type check certain sections.

section no_check or something along those lines. That way, for larger files where you don't want to comment out sections of code just to have things run faster you could just use that. I don't think this is currently available correct?

This might even be implementable as a user I guess?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC