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Stream: lean4

Topic: Video Series introducing natural number game in Lean4

Alex Kassil (Feb 03 2023 at 06:33):

Hello! I started making an educational series working through the natural number game using lean4!


For those of you who are new to lean/lean4, I hope you find this helpful. And for those of you more experienced, I would love any feedback you have!

Making the series has been a fun way for me to learn lean4.

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Alex Kassil has marked this topic as resolved.

Notification Bot (Feb 03 2023 at 06:34):

Alex Kassil has marked this topic as unresolved.

Martin Dvořák (Mar 06 2023 at 16:21):

Does NNG in Lean 4 exist? I mean the webapp, not the videos about it.

Alexander Bentkamp (Mar 07 2023 at 08:37):

We are developing a webapp like it here: https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4game

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC