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Stream: lean4

Topic: Where are the lean4 finishing tactics?

Joey Eremondi (Sep 23 2023 at 16:24):

Where are the "auto" tactics in lean4? Things like finish, tidy, etc that solve tedious but obvious goals by search, case splitting, simplifying, constructor trying, etc.

Are there things like Coq's auto, eauto, or crush in Lean4? I found this but I think it's for Lean3: https://brandonrozek.com/blog/leantactics/

Timo Carlin-Burns (Sep 23 2023 at 16:44):

aesop is capable of all those things. duper also is based on a promising design but looks undocumented/wip

Joey Eremondi (Sep 23 2023 at 17:23):

Ohhhh very cool! How much does it rely on marking things with the Aesop attribute? Are things marked simp automatically aesop?

Timo Carlin-Burns (Sep 23 2023 at 17:25):

Yep, Aesop automatically uses simp to normalize all terms at every step of its proof search

Timo Carlin-Burns (Sep 23 2023 at 17:28):

Looks like the rules that are included without explicit @[aesop] are in this file. If you're using mathlib though, hopefully eventually many things will already be marked @[aesop] for you. Right now that's only true in certain parts of the library, like category theory.

Scott Morrison (Sep 24 2023 at 01:34):

(In particular, mathlib3's tidy has been completely replaced by aesop: it is both faster and more capable.)

Scott Morrison (Sep 24 2023 at 01:39):

I would love to see someone "power up" aesop with induction and cases. I think a great rule would be "you are allowed to try induction, as long as in at least one branch simp makes progress".

Scott Morrison (Sep 24 2023 at 01:40):

There are many many lemmas where we use a few rounds of induction ... generalizing ..., with all branches solvable by simp_all. The requirement that simp_all makes progress ensures that we don't just induct inductively.

Kyle Miller (Sep 24 2023 at 06:30):

Scott Morrison said:

a great rule would be "you are allowed to try induction, as long as in at least one branch simp makes progress".

I wonder how this rule could be refined to make sure it doesn't go down the path of trying to prove a theorem by infinite ascent...

def f (n : Nat) : Nat := n + 1
@[simp] theorem f_zero : f 0 = 1 := rfl
@[simp] theorem f_succ (n : Nat) : f (n + 1) = f n + 1 := rfl

example (n : Nat) : n < f n := by
  induction n with
  | zero => simp
  | succ n ih =>
    induction n with
    | zero => simp
    | succ n ih =>
      induction n with
      | zero => simp
      | succ n ih =>

Scott Morrison (Sep 24 2023 at 06:31):

Hmmm... good example. :-) I wonder if you required it to make use of new simp lemmas at each stage?

Timo Carlin-Burns (Sep 24 2023 at 19:37):

(I just came upon https://github.com/avigad/lean-auto/ which looks like a better documented frontend for duper)

Jannis Limperg (Sep 24 2023 at 19:59):

It's not. duper is a superposition prover implemented in native Lean. lean-auto seems to be a tactic that sends translated Lean terms to external automated theorem provers (based on superposition or SMT, I guess) and reconstructs the proofs returned by these, in a manner reminiscent of Isabelle's Sledgehammer. Also, neither of these projects have yet been announced as ready for serious use.

Patrick Massot (Sep 24 2023 at 20:06):

Jannis, auto doesn't have to call an external prover, it can use duper both for proof search and proof reconstruction. However you are right that it is a work in progress that is not at all ready for use.

Jannis Limperg (Sep 24 2023 at 20:11):

Wait but then auto wouldn't need to do the whole translation dance described in the README, no?

Patrick Massot (Sep 24 2023 at 20:42):

If I understand correctly, the translation dance is useful even for duper.

Bolton Bailey (Sep 25 2023 at 13:23):

Scott Morrison said:

I would love to see someone "power up" aesop with induction and cases. I think a great rule would be "you are allowed to try induction, as long as in at least one branch simp makes progress".

Is there a way currently to get aesop to apply induction at all? I know there are ways to get it to apply cases for types that you specify.

Scott Morrison (Sep 25 2023 at 13:29):

You can give arbitrary tactics to aesop, e.g.

attribute [aesop safe tactic (rule_sets [CategoryTheory])] Std.Tactic.Ext.extCore'

Bolton Bailey (Sep 25 2023 at 13:30):

Ok, but does that let me tell aesop "you are allowed to apply induction to lists"

Bolton Bailey (Sep 25 2023 at 13:32):

(lists specifically, rather than just feeding "induction'" to the tactic)

Scott Morrison (Sep 25 2023 at 13:34):

So write a list-specific induction tactic. It should only be a few lines.

Bolton Bailey (Sep 25 2023 at 13:34):

aesop: Mathlib.Tactic.induction' was expected to be a tactic, i.e. to have one of these types:
  TacticM Unit
However, it has type

Scott Morrison (Sep 25 2023 at 13:34):

grep for the line of code I posted above in Mathlib, and see how it is done there.

Scott Morrison (Sep 25 2023 at 13:35):

You can't use the "user facing" syntactical tactics, you need to go one level deeper and provide a TacticM Unit.

Bolton Bailey (Sep 25 2023 at 13:37):

The problem with writing a list-specific induction tactic is that at that point, I expect I will have written more lines of code than it would take to just prove the lemma normally.

Joey Eremondi (Sep 25 2023 at 16:13):

Right but then it will be there for the next time you need it

Jannis Limperg (Sep 25 2023 at 16:23):

Patrick Massot said:

If I understand correctly, the translation dance is useful even for duper.

Ah, interesting. I vaguely remember similar results where Slegdehammer's HOL-to-FOL translation turned out to be better than running HOL-based ATPs directly. So a similar thing happening with duper wouldn't be crazy.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC