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Stream: lean4

Topic: Working with TSyntax and cdot

Jon Eugster (Apr 20 2023 at 20:42):

I'm trying my hands on writing tactics and I could need some help. I can manually create single tactic calls (type TSyntax `tactic) like cmd below, but how would I combine these syntax elements into a structured tactic instruction using · (i.e. when there are multiple goals)?

For context, my goal is to create a logInfo message that tells accurately what e.g. ext did, which also includes focusing on newly created subgoals.

import Std

open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Term

variable (lemma₁ lemma₂ lemma₃ : Name)

def createTacticBlock (goal : MVarId) : MetaM (PUnit) := goal.withContext do
    let mut myTactics : Array (TSyntax `tactic) := #[]

    -- create some tactic calls
    let cmd ←`(tactic| apply $(mkIdent lemma₁))

    myTactics := myTactics.push cmd

    -- Now instead of creating a list, create some valid tactic syntax that applies to multiple
    -- goals, like:
    -- · apply lemma₁
    --   apply lemma₂
    -- · apply lemma₃

    logInfo m!"{myTactics}"

Jon Eugster (Apr 20 2023 at 20:44):

( I should say I'm mainly hacking at this point and have quite a hard time understanding the Metaprogramming book. I barely know anything about the different monads and only scrap together things from what I see in the source code, I might be going at this the wrong way :sweat_smile: )

Mario Carneiro (Apr 20 2023 at 20:52):

· is a tactic, specifically of the form · $tac:tacticSeq

Mario Carneiro (Apr 20 2023 at 20:54):

so you can create one the same as any other tactic, you just use `(tactic| · foo; bar) or whatever

Mario Carneiro (Apr 20 2023 at 20:55):

It's not really clear to me what exactly you want to put in that function though, there are a lot of placeholders

Mario Carneiro (Apr 20 2023 at 20:56):

I think you probably want createTacticBlock to have a type like MetaM Syntax.Tactic or MetaM (Array Syntax.Tactic) so that it can call itself recursively

Jon Eugster (Apr 20 2023 at 20:58):

Mario Carneiro said:

· is a tactic, specifically of the form · $tac:tacticSeq

oh. that's a tad simpler than expected.

Jon Eugster (Apr 20 2023 at 21:03):

I agree createTacticBlock has the wrong type in the MWE, I just copied that from applyExtLemma.

I was going to construct a Syntax.Tactic term or someting in a IO.Ref and then just add to that in the relevant funtion calls. Something like

initialize usedExtLemmas : IO.Ref (Array (TSyntax `tactic))  IO.mkRef #[]

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC