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Stream: lean4

Topic: Wrong version in VS Code

Arthur Paulino (Oct 07 2022 at 01:33):

Hi! I am updating my toolchain to leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-10-06. After the code fixes, I am now able to run lake build. But, in VS Code, it's behaving as if I were still using the previous version (leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-07-11). So the code compiles via terminal but it's completely broken in VS Code. Has anyone seen anything similar?

Jeremy Avigad (Oct 07 2022 at 01:38):

It sounds vaguely familiar but if I have seen it before I don't remember what I did. Maybe try elan show in the terminal to see if there are any overrides?

Arthur Paulino (Oct 07 2022 at 01:39):

λ elan show
installed toolchains

leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-07-11 (default)

active toolchain

leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-10-06 (overridden by '/home/arthur/dev/lean/viper/lean-toolchain')
Lean (version 4.0.0-nightly-2022-10-06, commit b172ba8a34e7, Release)

Arthur Paulino (Oct 07 2022 at 01:41):

Apparently it's picking that "default" toolchain. How can I make it pick the toolchain defined in my lean-toolchain file?

Jeremy Avigad (Oct 07 2022 at 01:41):

Check elan override help. Maybe elan override unset?

Arthur Paulino (Oct 07 2022 at 01:42):

λ elan override unset
info: no override toolchain for '/home/arthur/dev/lean/viper'
info: you may use `--path <path>` option to remove override toolchain for a specific path

Jeremy Avigad (Oct 07 2022 at 01:45):

I think I am out of ideas. It is strange that elan show says overridden but then elan override unset disagrees. But I really don't understand why using the command line in the root folder would yield a different result than VS Code.

Gabriel Ebner (Oct 07 2022 at 01:50):

"override" here just means that it picks up the version from the lean-toolchain file

Gabriel Ebner (Oct 07 2022 at 01:50):

@Arthur Paulino Have you restarted VS Code?

Jeremy Avigad (Oct 07 2022 at 01:51):

Also, sometimes deleting the build directory helps.

Arthur Paulino (Oct 07 2022 at 01:54):

Yes, I have restarted VS Code. I have also deleted the build folder

Gabriel Ebner (Oct 07 2022 at 01:54):

Another thing to try: run the "select toolchain" command, click "other", and then press enter. See also https://github.com/leanprover/vscode-lean4/issues/79

Arthur Paulino (Oct 07 2022 at 01:54):

#eval Lean.versionString or something still returns the old one

Arthur Paulino (Oct 07 2022 at 01:55):

Hmmm, I will try that solution tomorrow. Thanks!

Arthur Paulino (Oct 07 2022 at 01:58):

How to run that select toolchain command tho?

Gabriel Ebner (Oct 07 2022 at 02:00):


Chris Lovett (Oct 07 2022 at 02:09):

Just put "leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-10-06" in your lean-toolchain file.

Arthur Paulino (Oct 07 2022 at 02:12):

@Chris Lovett that's what I have

Chris Lovett (Oct 07 2022 at 02:18):

I'm not able to reproduce this using the lean4-samples/HelloWorld. Can you?

James Gallicchio (Oct 07 2022 at 02:20):

I think recently I had to kill all the lean processes on my computer for vscode to switch over... It seems occasionally brittle to version updates

Chris Lovett (Oct 07 2022 at 02:23):

Wait, I think I have a repro, I installed leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-10-06 specifically, and it is having trouble using it even after restarting VS code. So I'm investigating.

Chris Lovett (Oct 07 2022 at 02:38):

Interesting, I have changed the lean4-samples\HelloWorld\lean-toolchain to leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-10-06 and got this:

(leanink) D:\git\leanprover\lean4-samples\HelloWorld>lake --version
Lake version 4.0.0 (Lean version 4.0.0-nightly-2022-09-26)

Turns out I didn't realize but I did have an elan override set in this folder:

(leanink) D:\git\leanprover\lean4-samples\HelloWorld>elan override list
D:\git\leanprover\lean4-samples\HelloWorld      leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-09-26

So after removing that with elan override unset then VS code started working properly (after a Lean4: Restart Server).

Chris Lovett (Oct 07 2022 at 02:38):

so can you check your elan override list ?

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 07 2022 at 08:22):

@Chris Lovett
Arthur Paulino said:

λ elan override unset
info: no override toolchain for '/home/arthur/dev/lean/viper'
info: you may use `--path <path>` option to remove override toolchain for a specific path

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 07 2022 at 08:25):

I can think of only two further causes:

  • You do not have the viper folder opened as the workspace folder
  • Some Lean override local to VS Code, e.g. in its extension settings

Arthur Paulino (Oct 07 2022 at 12:42):

The solution was using Gabriel's idea with the "Select Lean toolchain" command (via ctrl-shift-p) and then choosing the option "Reset toolchain override" or something. Thanks everyone!

Chris Lovett (Oct 07 2022 at 20:10):

Yes when you use "Lean4: Select Toolchain" the selection you make is sticky for that folder, so to remove it you do have to use the "Reset workspace override". The "Lean4: Select Toolchain" command will show you when a workspace override is in effect:

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC