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Stream: lean4

Topic: ackermann

Ciprian Teodorov (Jan 11 2022 at 22:10):


Is it possible to write the termination proof for ackermann in lean4. I think we should be able to use the lexicographic order, but I cannot find any documentation on how that might work.

def ackm : Nat × Nat  Nat
| (0, y)         => y+1
| ((x+1), 0)     => ackm (x, 1)
| ((x+1), (y+1)) => ackm (x, (ackm ((x+1), y)))
termination_by Prod.lex (Nat.lt_wfRel) (Nat.lt_wfRel)
decreasing_by exact (by {sorry})


Chris B (Jan 12 2022 at 01:11):

You can fulfill the base obligation like this:

def ackm : Nat × Nat  Nat
| (0, y)         => y+1
| ((x+1), 0)     => ackm (x, 1)
| ((x+1), (y+1)) => ackm (x, (ackm ((x+1), y)))
termination_by Prod.lex (Nat.lt_wfRel) (Nat.lt_wfRel)
  simp [Prod.lex, Prod.Lex]
  exact Prod.Lex.left _ _ (Nat.lt.base _)

But it doesn't seem to like the presence of the outer call. If you change it to

def ackm : Nat × Nat  Nat
| (0, y)         => y+1
| ((x+1), 0)     => ackm (x, 1)
| ((x+1), (y+1)) =>
  let inner := (ackm ((x+1), y))
  ackm (x, inner)

Then it shows two goals, but it complains if you give either one saying it wants the other one. I'm not sure how you're supposed to discharge these.

David Renshaw (Jan 12 2022 at 03:29):

Here's another way to define it:

def iterate {α : Sort _} (op : α  α) : Nat  α  α
 | 0,          a  => a
 | Nat.succ k, a => iterate op k (op a)

def ackermann : Nat  Nat  Nat
 | 0 => Nat.succ
 | Nat.succ p => λ n => iterate (ackermann p) n (ackermann p 1)

David Renshaw (Jan 12 2022 at 03:29):

(from Bob Harper's _Practical Foundations for Programming Languages_ http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/pfpl/ )

David Renshaw (Jan 12 2022 at 03:30):

no extra termination proof needed with this formulation

Mario Carneiro (Jan 13 2022 at 02:08):

I believe this proof works, but I get unknown constant 'ackm' on the definition and I'm not sure what to make of that.

def ackm : Nat × Nat  Nat
| (0, y)     => y+1
| (x+1, 0)   => ackm (x, 1)
| (x+1, y+1) => ackm (x, ackm (x+1, y))
termination_by Prod.lex Nat.lt_wfRel Nat.lt_wfRel
  first | apply Prod.Lex.right | apply Prod.Lex.left
  apply Nat.lt.base

David Renshaw (Jan 13 2022 at 02:12):

Did y'all see this: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/commit/068cc700d8540728558556bf6f86ff6988478d91 ?

Mario Carneiro (Jan 13 2022 at 02:13):

the syntax for termination_by recently changed, this is for the old version

Leonardo de Moura (Jan 13 2022 at 18:22):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC