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Stream: lean4

Topic: addAndCompile a structure?

James Gallicchio (Oct 04 2023 at 22:14):

I have a list of field names and elaborated Exprs for the field types. How do I turn that into a structure declaration to compile? I can't seem to find any relevant functions... :(

To slightly un-XY: I want a syntax for defining structures as

object Name {
  "key1" : something

where something : SchemaM ?type (SchemaM is a monad). Idea is I want to generate a structure with field key1 : <type>. Then I can define other stuff that makes use of the actual something value.

So in order to find what <type> is, I'm elaborating something to an expression with expected type SchemaM ?type and then instantiating the ?type expression.

But now I've no idea how to get this into a structure (.. an inductive I know how to do. but not a structure).

Is there a different way I should be going about it?

James Gallicchio (Oct 04 2023 at 22:17):

One thing I've tried is to just build the syntax for a structure and then elabCommand it. But I think I am encountering issues where liftTermElabM throws out (?) the metavariable assignments:

import Lean
import Std

def SchemaM : Type  Type := Id

open Lean Macro Elab Meta Term Command in
elab "object " name:ident "{" keyStx:( str ":" "required "? term ),* "}" : command => do
  -- name, required, (Lean) type, schema
  let keys : Array (String × Bool × TSyntax `term × TSyntax `term) 
    liftTermElabM <| keyStx.getElems.mapM (fun s =>
      -- unsure if this is actually necessary
      -- but we use the mvar identifier `type` so /shrug
      withFreshMacroScope do
      let key := s.raw[0].isStrLit?.get!
      let isReq := s.raw[2].hasArgs
      let val : Term := .mk s.raw[3]
      -- make a new metavariable for the type
      let type : Term  `(?type)
      let typeExpr : Expr  elabTermEnsuringType type (some (.sort (Level.ofNat 1)))
      let elabVal  elabTermEnsuringType val (some (.app (.const ``SchemaM []) typeExpr))
      return (key, isReq, type,  elabVal.toSyntax)
  let typeId := mkIdent (name.getId ++ "type")
  let fields : TSyntaxArray _  keys.mapM (fun (name, _req, type, _schema) =>
    `(Lean.Parser.Command.structExplicitBinder| ($(mkIdent name) : $type))
  elabCommand <|  `(
    structure $typeId where

def string : SchemaM Unit := ()

set_option pp.rawOnError true
object Hi { -- don't know how to synthesize placeholder
            -- context:
            -- case type
            -- ⊢ Sort ?u.12896-/
  "hi" : string

James Gallicchio (Oct 04 2023 at 22:21):

(sidenote: it lists that ?type : Sort ?u.12896 there, but I quite clearly call ensureHasType with Sort 1. Why is that information not reflected in the error?)

James Gallicchio (Oct 04 2023 at 22:37):

Another option would be to use the delaborator instead of metavariables. But it feels like a bad idea to rely on the delaborator...

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 04 2023 at 23:03):

I'm not sitting in front of a computer so I can't check but isn't structure just an inductive with some flag? Now I'm guessing, maybe create an inductive and then call some function that generates all the projection functions?

James Gallicchio (Oct 04 2023 at 23:08):

That is what I am hoping. But I can't seem to find a function to generate the right stuff. The Declaration itself has a few flags that are related to being a structure, but nothing labelled as being a structure.

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 04 2023 at 23:11):

I think you have to register structure with registerStructure https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/dceed634a05e1d62588f89b9f1d7b7b4cf79f676/src/Lean/Structure.lean#L57 but there has to be a streamlined function that generates StructureDescr from struct like inductive

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 04 2023 at 23:12):

Maybe this one https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/dceed634a05e1d62588f89b9f1d7b7b4cf79f676/src/Lean/Elab/Structure.lean#L699

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 04 2023 at 23:16):

I think this is the crucial line, just above it you create projections

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 04 2023 at 23:29):

But I'm very confused why is it sooo complicated. Maybe the extends business is really complicated. It would be definitely nice to have a nice streamlined API that creates a simple structure given a set of field names, types and structure parameters.

I'm thinking about implementing "struct of arrays" support and such API would be useful for that.

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 04 2023 at 23:38):

Wow, the function mkProjections is opaque, what is going on? Is it because the kernel needs to know about projections such that it can deal with Expr.proj?

James Gallicchio (Oct 04 2023 at 23:49):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC