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Stream: lean4

Topic: aesop appreciation thread

David Renshaw (Feb 24 2023 at 14:42):

@Jannis Limperg I just wanted to say: thank you for aesop. It's awesome. I used it this morning to significantly simplify some proofs:

Jannis Limperg (Feb 24 2023 at 14:48):

Oh, thank you so much! I do love those diffs!

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 24 2023 at 15:24):

Using aesop is clearly cheating

Wojciech Nawrocki (Feb 28 2023 at 20:51):

I would also like to express my appreciation for aesop! It is possible to express various proofs as sequences of have : property₀ := by aesop; have : property₁ := by aesop; .., assuming sufficiently small jumps from propertyᵢ to propertyᵢ₊₁.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC