Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: allowing coe with metavars?

James Gallicchio (Feb 14 2023 at 05:09):

is it possible to configure a Coe instance such that it continues instance search even with metavariables?

To de-XY, here's a little example

inductive ParseRes (α : Type)

def Parser (α) := String  String.Pos  ParseRes α

def seq (p1 : Parser α) (p2 : Parser β) : Parser γ := sorry

def ofString (tgt : String) : Parser Unit := sorry
instance : Coe String (Parser Unit) := ofString

set_option trace.Elab.coe true in
def parser : Parser Nat :=
  seq "hi" "bye"

I could make a class specifically for "coercions to Parser" where the type arg is marked outParam and all my combinators take a parameter of that type, but it seems a bit unwieldy

Reid Barton (Feb 14 2023 at 06:22):

In Haskell (GHC) you could write something like instance (a ~ Unit) => FromString (Parser a) to get the behavior you want

James Gallicchio (Feb 14 2023 at 07:55):

:/ hoping there's a lean replacement for that; otherwise I'll have to go with the custom CoeToParser class

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC