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Stream: lean4
Topic: antiquot parsing
Siddharth Bhat (Jul 02 2022 at 18:10):
declare_syntax_cat lhs
declare_syntax_cat exp
syntax lhs "~=" num : exp
syntax str : lhs
syntax "`[lhs|" lhs "]": term
syntax "`[exp|" exp "]": term
| `(`[lhs| $x:str ]) => return x
| `(`[exp| $x:lhs ~= $y:num ]) => `((`[lhs| $x], $y))
| `(`[lhs| $$($x) ]) => return x
| `(`[exp| $$($x) ]) => return x
def exp1 := `[exp| $(("one", 1))]
#eval exp1 -- ("one", 1)
def exp2 := `[exp| "two" ~= 2]
#eval exp2 -- ("two", 2)
-- expected: ("three", 3)
def exp3 := `[exp| $("thre" + "e") ~= 3]
#eval exp3 -- expected ']'
The grammar parses as
<exp> -> "$("<term>")"
We want it to parse is as:
<exp> -> <lhs> "=" <rhs>
<exp> -> "$("<term>")" "~=" <rhs>
I am unsure how to ask the parser to backtrack on the failed parse of <expr> -> "$(" <term> ")"
Sebastian Ullrich (Jul 02 2022 at 18:16):
That sounds like https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/pull/1272
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC