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Topic: appendMCtx or mergeMCtx

Tomas Skrivan (Nov 07 2022 at 20:00):

Is there a function that takes to local contexts and merges them together?

Probably #XY problem, I have a mctx : MetavarContext and I want to add it to the current context. The only function that I found is withMCtx that completely replaces the current metavariable context.

Even more #XY, I have two expressions x y : Exprliving in two different metavariable contexts and I want to know if they are defeq. I want to merge those contexts and call isDefEq x y.

Wojciech Nawrocki (Nov 07 2022 at 21:41):

@Tomas Skrivan what if x is ?m_1 coming from mvar context A and y is ?n_1 coming from mvar context B? In general, the question of defeq doesn't seem to make sense unless both terms live in the same context.

Tomas Skrivan (Nov 07 2022 at 21:44):

Asking it in the union of A and B should make sense, no?

Tomas Skrivan (Nov 07 2022 at 21:45):

Of course, the union of A and B does not have to be always well formed. (or well typed, I do not know the exact terminology used here)

Gabriel Ebner (Nov 07 2022 at 21:48):

The general answer is: you don't. Another thing that could go wrong, which you didn't mention yet, is that the two metavariable contexts might have different assignments for the metavariables.

Gabriel Ebner (Nov 07 2022 at 21:48):

What do you actually want to do?

Gabriel Ebner (Nov 07 2022 at 21:49):

Sometimes, a reasonable substitute is to turn a term like f ?m_1 ?m_2 into a lambda-abstraction like fun x y => f x y to transport it to the other metavariable context (and then create new metavariables there and instantiate the lambda-abstraction).

Tomas Skrivan (Nov 07 2022 at 21:56):

I'm parsing a term from a custom parametric attribute, see simp guard thread.

In the case of @[simp_guard g (λ x => x)] the term I get from the elaborator is (λ x : ?m => x). At some point I want to test if another expression is equal to (λ x : ?m => x), so I need to somehow carry around the created metavariable and use it correctly.

Tomas Skrivan (Nov 07 2022 at 21:59):

As you suggested, turning those metavariables to bound variables and then assigning fresh metavariables at the equality check would work.

Tomas Skrivan (Nov 08 2022 at 06:44):

Gabriel Ebner said:

turn a term like f ?m_1 ?m_2 into a lambda-abstraction like fun x y => f x y t

What is the easy/clean way of doing this?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC