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Stream: lean4

Topic: assert in lean?

Siddharth Bhat (Feb 16 2022 at 18:44):

Is there an equivalent to Haskell's assert in lean4? I could only find Lean.Meta.assert which does not do what I want. I want something along the lines of assert: Bool -> a -> a

[I know lean is meant to be total, does not have exceptions, and thus asking for such a feature is unsound. Regardless, it seems useful to have when debugging...]

Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 18:46):

If you just want to assert something python styleassert! does exist as a macro and is used a few times in the compiler.

Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 18:46):

Does work both in monadic and non monadic code.

Siddharth Bhat (Feb 16 2022 at 19:01):

Do you happen to know where it is elaborated? I can see that it is declared as a builtin for do notation, and as a term

Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 19:02):

docs4#Lean.Elab.Term.expandAssert seems to be the spot

Leonardo de Moura (Feb 16 2022 at 19:05):

@Henrik Böving Wow, everytime I look at the docs4 generated files they look nicer.

Siddharth Bhat (Feb 16 2022 at 19:05):

Nice, yes, thanks!

Siddharth Bhat (Feb 16 2022 at 19:06):

@Henrik Böving maybe I'm missing something, but it seems the source location for expandAssert is linked to elabPanic? (This is the location I get)

Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 19:09):

Leonardo de Moura said:

Henrik Böving Wow, everytime I look at the docs4 generated files they look nicer.


There is actually one rather major thing I'm getting wrong at the moment. E.g. https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib4_docs/Init/Prelude.html#ReaderT is marked as noncomputable (and so are a lot of others) because of the way I check for computability (https://github.com/leanprover/doc-gen4/blob/main/DocGen4/Process.lean#L206-L211) as metnioned above this is partially taken from ll_infer_type.cpp, specifically the part that generates errors about noncompuatbility https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/src/library/compiler/ll_infer_type.cpp#L182-L205 but its only does the check for the existence of a cstage2 name and not this little if statement adn the foor loop because I didnt exactly get what this is doing so all stuff that does not have a cstage representation such as definitions that are just types are marked as noncomputable, could you enlighten me on what's happening there? Or how to do a computability check from within Lean in general.

Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 19:13):

Siddharth Bhat said:

Henrik Böving maybe I'm missing something, but it seems the source location for expandAssert is linked to elabPanic? (This is the location I get)

The actual declaration is right below , the generated location does seem to be wrong for some reason indeed...

Leonardo de Moura (Feb 16 2022 at 19:14):

@Henrik Böving I am assuming you want to reflect back in the documentation the noncomputable annotations provided by users in the .lean files, correct?

Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 19:14):


Leonardo de Moura (Feb 16 2022 at 19:14):

Cool. I will add an API for this.

Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 19:14):


Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 19:15):

I did look around for such an API and eventually just figured I'd try translating the cpp code that seems to be responsible for checking the error :sweat_smile:

Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 19:18):

Henrik Böving said:

Siddharth Bhat said:

Henrik Böving maybe I'm missing something, but it seems the source location for expandAssert is linked to elabPanic? (This is the location I get)

The actual declaration is right below , the generated location does seem to be wrong for some reason indeed...

The length of the slice certainly does match its just offset for some reason...

Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 19:28):

#eval show MetaM _ from do
  findDeclarationRanges? `Lean.Elab.Term.expandAssert

Lean is also very much convinced that this declaration is at line 137 to 143 so this is probably a bug in the declaration range implementation, I opened an issue here https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/1021

Leonardo de Moura (Feb 16 2022 at 21:40):

Henrik Böving said:



Henrik Böving (Feb 16 2022 at 21:46):

I'll add it after the nightly is out tomorrow!

Henrik Böving (Feb 17 2022 at 18:06):

docs4#ReaderT docs4#Classical.choose done!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC