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Stream: lean4

Topic: auto-bound implicits

Sebastian Ullrich (Feb 11 2022 at 09:30):

By the way, I would be interested to hear about your reasons for preferring to turn them off. This feature is still somewhat in an experimentation phase.

Horatiu Cheval (Feb 11 2022 at 09:40):

Basically to protect myself from my own negligence. I just had a constructor using some x intended as an autobound variable, but actually I had in another imported file some def x := ..., so the x was actually referring to that rather than being a variable. And because of this I spent some time not understanding why an induction case complained about a wrong number of arguments.

Horatiu Cheval (Feb 11 2022 at 09:43):

But I think it's a nice feature and can make code more readable in some situations, but requires some discipline on the part of the programmer which I just wanted to skip when just playing around and doing experiments

Sebastian Ullrich (Feb 11 2022 at 09:43):

Hah, that is exactly the anticipated failure case, yes. Semantic highlighting should warn you about it, but you first have to be aware of it doing that of course.

Sebastian Ullrich (Feb 11 2022 at 09:58):

Perhaps we should try to find a more noticeable highlighting for implicits specifically image.png

Horatiu Cheval (Feb 11 2022 at 10:08):

Oh, I see now. Yes, I certainly didn't notice or think of the difference in highlighting in that moment :)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC