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Stream: lean4

Topic: autoImplicit confusion?

James Gallicchio (Apr 29 2022 at 09:22):

Ah okay, thanks for taking a look

(Also, I didn't mean to make this in #mathlib4, if someone has the power to move it to #lean4 I'd be grateful)

Notification Bot (Apr 29 2022 at 09:25):

Sebastian Ullrich has marked this topic as resolved.

Notification Bot (Apr 29 2022 at 09:25):

Sebastian Ullrich has marked this topic as resolved.

Sebastian Ullrich (Apr 29 2022 at 09:25):

(whoops, wrong button... also, race condition in Zulip)

Notification Bot (Apr 29 2022 at 09:26):

This topic was moved here from #mathlib4 > ✔ autoImplicit confusion? by Sebastian Ullrich.

Notification Bot (Apr 29 2022 at 09:26):

Sebastian Ullrich has marked this topic as unresolved.

Leonardo de Moura (Apr 29 2022 at 11:40):

The declaration is accepted because of the "auto implicit chaining" feature. We can try to refine this feature, but this is the expected behavior for this feature. From our release notes:

  • Added auto implicit "chaining". Unassigned metavariables occurring in the auto implicit types now become new auto implicit locals. Consider the following example:
  inductive HasType : Fin n  Vector Ty n  Ty  Type where
    | stop : HasType 0 (ty :: ctx) ty
    | pop  : HasType k ctx ty  HasType k.succ (u :: ctx) ty

ctx is an auto implicit local in the two constructors, and it has type ctx : Vector Ty ?m. Without auto implicit "chaining", the metavariable ?m will remain unassigned. The new feature creates yet another implicit local n : Nat and assigns n to ?m. So, the declaration above is shorthand for

  inductive HasType : {n : Nat}  Fin n  Vector Ty n  Ty  Type where
    | stop : {ty : Ty}  {n : Nat}  {ctx : Vector Ty n}  HasType 0 (ty :: ctx) ty
    | pop  : {n : Nat}  {k : Fin n}  {ctx : Vector Ty n}  {ty : Ty}  HasType k ctx ty  HasType k.succ (u :: ctx) ty

Leonardo de Moura (Apr 29 2022 at 11:41):

We can claim this is a bug since x is not an auto implicit in the Foo example above. So, the metavariable occurring there should not become a new parameter.

James Gallicchio (May 02 2022 at 10:50):

That makes sense -- I too would consider it a bug, since the behavior feels surprising in a way that auto-implicit generally does not

Leonardo de Moura (May 04 2022 at 22:06):

Pushed the following.

inductive Foo
| bar (x) : Foo

now produces an error.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC