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Stream: lean4

Topic: change from Lean3 in dealing with open namespaces

Damiano Testa (Jan 09 2023 at 20:53):

Deal All,

I found the change below somewhat surprising. I can see why one of the two definitions could go either way, but the other feels like it should work.

In Lean3, either one of these two definitions works:

-- Lean3
namespace myName

def fn := 0

end myName

open myName

-- separately, they both work
def fn := fn

def fn : int := (fn : int)  -- in fact, the type ascription is unnecessary

However, in Lean4, they both fail:

namespace myName

def fn := 0

end myName

open myName

-- this fails, although it works in Lean3
def fn := fn -- failed to infer definition type, fair enough

--  I find the failure of this a little less justified, though :)
def fn : Int := Int.ofNat fn
application type mismatch
  Int.ofNat fn
has type
  Int : Type
but is expected to have type
  Nat : Type

James Gallicchio (Jan 09 2023 at 20:59):

I think if you mark the definitions nonrec it has the behavior you expect. This is the behavior I'd expect as a programmer, since I'd expect recursive function names to shadow opened namespaces in scope.

James Gallicchio (Jan 09 2023 at 21:00):

I can't speak to the Lean3 behavior though... I find it confusing :)

Damiano Testa (Jan 09 2023 at 21:01):

You are completely right! In Lean4, these work (separately, of course):

nonrec def fn := fn

nonrec def fn : Int := Int.ofNat fn

Ok, I learned something, thanks!

Damiano Testa (Jan 09 2023 at 21:02):

Moreover, I like the possibility of controlling which behaviour to obtain: really cool!

James Gallicchio (Jan 09 2023 at 21:05):

It's quite clean. I end up using nonrec more often in local definitions, if I want to shadow a function with a new one that puts in some arguments or something :)

James Gallicchio (Jan 09 2023 at 21:09):

(Should nonrec be more prominent in docs? It's very useful but I'm not sure if the common use case is mentioned in the manual)

Damiano Testa (Jan 09 2023 at 21:13):

Honestly, I have yet to really dive into reading the manual: I am faking it, trying to get Lean3 syntax to work with Lean4... :upside_down:

James Gallicchio (Jan 09 2023 at 21:14):

hey, it works for the most part

Damiano Testa (Jan 09 2023 at 21:15):

Yes, not only it works, I find that when there is a change, I am usually happier with the newer version! Yay Lean4!

Damiano Testa (Jan 09 2023 at 21:15):

This case was one of the first where I thought that I was not so happy, and now I like it better!

James Gallicchio (Jan 09 2023 at 21:16):

fully agreed, Lean4 is "new and improved" with an emphasis on improved

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC